Chapter 30

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Tyler's POV

"I don't believe you." Papa tells Reggie.

"Then you're stupid." Reggie informs him, and I can't help but agree.

"He's telling the truth." I tell him.

"And how do you know? Reggie is a very good liar, and you're one of his favourite brothers, so he's most likely lying to get your mate out of trouble." Papa reasons.

"I wouldn't have lied about something like that." Reggie tells him, sounding offended.

"Even if it was Joseph, instead of Daniel." He adds.

"Well, I still don't believe you." He tells Reggie, and then he turns to look at me.

"You can go to see your mate, I won't kick him out of this pack, but he will be staying in the cellars until he learns to control his anger." He tells me, so I just shake my head at him in disbelieve, and then I stand up to go see my mate.

"And you go back to our house Reggie." Papa tells him.

"Of course." Reggie says sarcastically, before he rolls his eyes.

"If you're not in the house when I get there, then you will be in trouble." He tells him.

"And when will you get there?" Reggie asks.

"In a few hours." Papa responds.

"That's plenty of time then." Reggie says with a smirk.

"I want you to go back right now." Papa tells him, but Reggie is already running out of the office, and towards the front door of the pack house.

"Daniel has to stay there for a while, it's for the best, Tyler." Papa tells me, but I just shake my head, and I go out of the door.

I go to the basement, and the guards let me inside, before I even say anything, papa has most likely already told them to let me in.

Only two cellars are occupied, in one is some guy, most likely a trespasser, or a rouge, and in the other one is Daniel.

I quickly go towards him, and I stop right before the cellars.

He's sleeping, thankfully on the mattress that papa must have brought here for him, since other cellars only have a few blankets laying on the floor.

The other guy is looking at me, but I ignore him, and I reach my hand inside of my mate's cellar, and I rub his hair.

He turns around, but he doesn't wake up, I just sit there for a while, deciding to let him rest, since he won't be getting out of here anyway.

His arm must be broken, because it doesn't look like it's supposed to.

I will have to tell papa what I think about it when I see him next time, and he definitely won't like that conversation.

After a while I stand up, and I go towards one of the empty cells, that are locked despite the fact that no one is in them.

I reach my hand inside, and I take a few blankets out, then I put them on the floor, next to Daniel's cellar, and I fall asleep soon after I lay down on them.

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