Chapter 44

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Tyler's POV

The Doctor comes back about half an hour later, so we look towards him.

He refuses to tell us what's wrong, and instead, he pushes Daniel's shirt up, and he tells him to lay down.

He touches Danish ribs, and Daniel finches after a while.

"For how long did your ribs hurt?" Chris asks him with an unimpressed expression.

"From the day that I was locked in the cellars." Daniel responds, avoiding eye contact, making Chris shake his head in disappointment.

"Well, one of your ribs was broken, and it's cutting your lungs when you're breathing, so you're going to have a surgery today." Chris tells him firmly.

"Another surgery?" Daniel asks.

"Stop getting hurt, so you won't have to have anymore surgeries." Chris says, sounding slightly amused.

"You should go back to your family, I will be here for a while again." Daniel tells me, and I shake my head.

"I will go back to Denver's to tell them what's going on, but then I will be back." I explain.

We wait for a while longer, and soon Chris takes Daniel with him to the operation room, so I go towards Denver's house, as I said that I will.

When I reach it, I go straight to the back yard, and everyone looks at me when they realise that Daniel isn't here.

"Where's Daniel." Papa asks.

"He was stupid enough to not go to the Doctor when he knew that he had a broken rib, and now it's cutting his lung, and apparently it started to get infected, so he has to have another surgery." I explain with a sigh.

Since I met Daniel, I was in the pack hospital a lot more times than I was there as a kid, and it's definitely not a god thing.

I stay here for a few more minutes, and when I tell them that I want to go back, papa insists that he should go with me, so that I won't be waiting alone.

I agree, and we walk back to the pack house, when we enter the hospital, it turns out that Daniel is already back in the room.

"That was quick." I say to Chris.

"Yeah, if he came here before it started to get infected, it would have taken even less time." He tells me.

"Anyway, I have other patients to check on." He tells me, and he leaves the room.

Papa stays for a while, but he leaves when it starts to get dark, and he makes me promise that I will go back to the house soon.

Daniel opens his eyes a few hours later, and he looks at me with a tired look.

"Do you want some water?" I ask him, and he nods, so I help him drink from the bottle.

Now that he's awake, his werewolf healing starts to work, and in a matter of a few hours, he's feeling good enough to go back to the house with me.

It's already morning, so papa will most likely be angry at me, because I have stayed at the hospital for the whole night, but when I made that promise, I didn't expect that Daniel will wake up that quickly.

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