Chapter 35

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Tyler's POV

I look at Daniel, and his eyes are wide too, so he must have already smelled that my father is coming here.

I quickly lower myself, so he can climb on my back, and I start to run at full speed.

If I want him to lose my scent, then I have to run around the trees, and since I'm definitely not quicker than papa, that means it's my only option.

So, I run around all of the trees, hoping that it will stop him for a moment, then I start to run forward again.

I run for as long as I can, which is only a few hours, and when I can't run anymore, then I start to run around the trees again, leaving as much scent as I can, then I shift and I look at Daniel, who is already looking at me for more instructions.

"We should climb on a tree, it will be hard to find us now, since we can barely see through those trees and our scent is all over the place." I explain, and he nods in agreement.

So, we quickly climb on one of the trees, and we hug each other.

A few minutes later, I can hear my father, who looking for us, and a while later the guards join him.

There are a lot of them, and when I came up with this plan, I have expected only papa to come here, so I'm not very sure about it now.

It's easier to hide if only one person is looking for you.

Daniel and I make sure that we don't move at all, and we look at each other's eyes, hoping that the everyone will leave soon.

"Tyler, come here." Papa says.

"I know that you're still somewhere around here, so I will find you sooner or later." He says a while later.

After about an hour, I hear that someone is climbing the tree, and I almost let out a groan in frustration.

But I'm thankful than I didn't, because that person that is climbing towards us is Reggie.

He climbs very quietly, so hopefully it won't alert the people that are searching around here.

When he reaches us, he pulls out a bottle of a gel, and I can already tell that it's a scent blocker.

I quickly take it from him, and I put some of it on me, before I give it to Daniel.

When our scent disappears, I decide that we have to get out of here quickly, since we might not be able to do it soon.

We will have to walk for a while, until we will be out of the earshot, then we will have to hide somewhere else.

I start to climb down, as quietly as I can, and when I'm on the ground, I wait for the other two to get down, then we make our way forward.

When we leave the area that has my scent everywhere, I quietly sigh in relief, but it seems that I was too quick in assuming that we got away.

Since someone clears their throat from behind us, and I hate the fact that I already know who that is.

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