Chapter 14

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Daniel's POV

I wake up very early the next morning, and I go down the stairs of the pack house to make myself something to eat, since now I only have a bedroom, not a whole apartment.

It's very early  so only a few people are up, and most of them are the guards, that make sure that we won't get attacked while everyone is asleep.

I take a salad from the fridge, and I go to the dining room to eat it.

It's not my favourite breakfast, but it's quickly, so it will have to do.

While I eat, I unconsciously start to think about Tyler, and I clench my palms into fists when I remember that the Alpha told me that Tyler has a girlfriend.

It's very uncommon for werewolf to date someone else than their mate, usually we can't even find anyone that is attractive to us, until we meet our mate.

So, I'm a bit disappointed, but I don't let my anger get to the surface, if I did, then everything here would be broken in a matter of minutes, and I don't want to be kicked out of another pack, especially since my mate it here.

When I finish my breakfast, I clean after myself, and I go towards the front door, but then I remember that I shouldn't be going out without a guard.

So, I walk around the ground floor of the pack house, searching for a guard, and I find one in the living room, so I walk towards him.

"Hi, I'm new here, and I'm supposed to have a guard with me." I explain when he looks in my direction. "Do you maybe know where will I find the guard that should be guarding me?" I ask him.

It's a stupid question, I shouldn't be asking someone where my guard is, he should be here right now, guarding me.

"The Alpha said that you don't need a guard anymore." He tells me.

"Are you sure?" I ask with a frown.

"Yes." He says, so I just nod in acknowledgement, and I leave him alone while I go out of the door.

I decide that it's a great time to see the pack lands, I will just walk around for a few hours, then I will start to look for Tyler.

I have to remember to ask for his number when I see him again, because it will be a lot easier to contact him the next time if I have it.

I also remind myself that I will have to attend the training today, which I'm not very happy about.

I just hope that I will be able to see Tyler before it starts.

I almost trip on the stick that lays on my path, I shouldn't have come here while it's still dark.

But I'm here now, so I will just continue to walk.

The time passes quickly, and soon the sun starts to show, so I decide to go back to the pack house, to asks someone where the training will be.

When I get to the pack house, it looks like I'm a bit late, since everyone is starting to leave, and I haven't even found any clothes to wear.

I swear under my breath, and I rush upstairs to get ready.

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