Chapter 28

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Daniel's POV

My father manages to take a glass, from a table that is near us, and then he drops it on the table, making it brake.

He punches me in my jaw, and my grip loosens, so he runs towards the kid, and he cuts his chest.

I rush towards him before he can do anything more, and I quickly steal the glass from his hand.

It has a lot of blood on it, which makes me uncomfortable, but I still press it to his throat.

"Move, and you'll be next." I tell him.

Before I can do anything, I feel someone rip the piece of glass from me, and another person restricts me.

"Didn't you cause enough trouble already?" The Beta of this pack asks as he holds me.

"I haven't done anything, I was protecting the kid from my father." I tell him.

"Do you really think that someone will believe in your lies?" My father asks, so I look at him.

"You should go to the pack hospital, so the Doctor can check if you're alright." One of the guards tells my father, and I look towards the kid to see that another guard is picking him up.

At least the kid doesn't look very pale, although the cuts are pretty deep, so he should see a Doctor.

"I'll take him to the cellars, tell Carter to go there." The Beta tells one of the guards, then he leads me out of the room, and down the stairs that leads to the basement.

When he opens the door, I see that there are a lot of cellars, and only one is occupied.

He throws me into one of the cellars, and then he locks it, before he goes out of the basement.

I sit up, and I wince slightly when I realise that my arm is broken, I must have hit it when the Beta threw me to the floor.

"Are you alright there?" Someone asks, so I look up to see that it's a guy, he looks a bit older than me.

"I will be." I say. "I just have to wait for my mate, so I can explain the situation, and then I will be able to get out of here." I tell him, trying to assure myself that I will be alright.

I forgot how much I hate to be locked somewhere, I used to be locked in a cellar for a few days each time that I have beaten someone up in my former pack.

So, it's not something new for me, but it definitely isn't welcome.

"And you think the Alpha will let you go if you convince your mate? Shouldn't you concentrate on convincing the Alpha?" He asks.

"My mate is the Alpha's son." I explain, before I grip my hair in frustration.

"What happened?" He asks curiously.

I explain everything to him, and he listens, he mostly likely had spent some time here, since he looks like he would have talked to me no matter what I had to say.

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