Chapter 39

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Daniel's POV

Timmy left me alone with the two youngest kids, since he has to help Carter with his work.

So, now I'm trying to makes sure that the overactive kids won't accidentally kill themselves.

I have already seen how Carter, Timmy, and Mason take care of the kids, but it looked a lot easier when they were doing it.

And I have only two kids while they were taking care of a lot more of them.

Thankfully, a few minutes after Timmy left, I hear the front door opening, and the footsteps soon reach me, so I look up to see Tyler.

"Shouldn't you be in school for the next few hours?" I ask him.

"I should, but I wasn't feeling well, so I decided to come back here." He tells me, and I can already tell that he's laying.

"You should learn how to lie, before you tell that to your parents." I inform him, and he laughs slightly.

"Yeah, I will have to ask Reggie to teach me how to lie, it definitely will be helpful." He says.

"Are you here alone with the kids?" He asks me with an arched eyebrow, as he sits on the couch.

"Yeah, Timmy had to help Carter with something, and Mason is doing his work too." I explain.

"Well, they're not crying, so I think you're doing a good so far." He tells me.

"I think they know that if they start to cry, then I will start to panic, and that wouldn't be good for any of us, so they pretend that they're not uncomfortable with me as their babysitter." I tell him, and he laughs loudly.

After a while Xander stands up, and he runs away from me, towards his brother, while Quinton continues to play with his car.

"Do you like Daniel?" Tyler asks Xander, after he puts the kid on his lap.

"Yeah." Xander tells him while looking at me, but he doesn't sound sure at all.

I chuckle at his reply, and he smiles.

"Quinton. Is Daniel a good babysitter?" Tyler asks his other brother.

"Sure." Quinton says, but he's too busy playing for his response to be of any value, he probably didn't even realise what Tyler asked him, and he just said it so we can leave him alone again.

I mess his hair, and he turns around to give me a cute glare, he then turns around to look at Tyler.

"I changed my mind, he wasn't a good babysitter." Quinton tells him, and I frown at him.

"That's what you get for messing with my hair." Quinton tells me, and I laugh again.

Tyler and I play with the kids for a while longer, and then Mason comes back, and he takes his kids with him.

So, we go up the stairs, to Tyler's room, and a second after the door close behind me, Tyler has me against the door.

My eyes widen in surprise, and he smirks at me, before he connects out lips together.

He then picks me up, and soon we're both making out on Tyler's bed.

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