Chapter 34

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Tyler's POV

When we open the door, it's way too easy to knock the guards out, and I just shake my head in disappointment, as I look at the guards that are laying on the floor.

I motion for Daniel to come with me, and we go up the stairs, before we reach the front door of the pack house, we pass only one guard, but he's looking at his phone, so he doesn't notice us.

We quickly leave the pack house, and we go towards the border, we reach it without any problems, so I shift, and I let Daniel climb on my back, since he won't be able to run in his wolf form with a broken arm.

I run for about an hour, and then I stop near some clearing, so I can rest for a while.

I haven't trained much yet, so I'm not very strong, that means that we won't be able to go very far, at least not quickly.

I realise that we are near some river, so I go towards the edge, and I drink some water, while Daniel sits against one of the trees.

When I'm done drinking, I go towards him and he smiles at me, before he makes me sit on his knees, so he can hug me.

"Your father will be mad at us, when he notices that we're gone." He tells me.

"That's why we can't let him catch us for at least two weeks, then he will get worried, so he will forget that he's mad." I say.

I rest my head on his shoulder, and after a while, I begin to kiss him lightly.

"What are you doing?" He asks me, sounding a little scared.

"Just relax." I tell him, and I feel him relax slightly, so I continue to kiss his neck.

I put my hand in his hair, and I move his head to the side to get a bit more space.

He groans loudly, and I smile to myself.

"Do you like it?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He tells me.

"Good." I say, before I continue to kiss him.

I make him lay on the ground, before I start to take his shirt off, but before I can do that, I hear a wolf running towards us, so I quickly stand up, and Daniel does the same.

I quickly shift, and I wait for the rouge to get here, if there were more, I would have tried to run away, or I would have climbed on the tree, but since there is only one, then I will just fight it.

Most rouges aren't very experienced in fighting, so they don't know the fighting tricks that we learn at pack, and that makes it easy to fight them, even if someone isn't as strong as them.

I stand there for a while, until the scent of my father hits me.

My eyes widen, and I swear at myself for wasting this much time, I should have run as soon as I realised that someone is getting close.

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