Chapter 26

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Daniel's POV

A few days later, Tyler and I are walking towards the training field, where we're supposed to meet his friends.

When we get there, only one group of people is standing there, so I guess that they are the people that we're looking for.

Tyler confirms my assumption when he leads me towards them, there are six guys, and three girls.

They all turn in our direction when they hear us coming closer, and most of them smile slightly when they see me.

I smile back, and I ignore a glare that one guy is sending my way, soon we reach them, and Tyler introduces us to each other.

It turns out that the guy that glares at me is called Blake, and I wonder what I have done to make him hate me already.

"Alright, so what are we going to do today?" Saul asks, and they start to say some ideas.

After a long discussion, we decide that we should go to the clearing, that is just outside of the pack border.

Apparently, there is a lot of stones, and they said that it's fun to chase each other while jumping from stone to stone.

I don't really like the idea, since it sounds like it will be very easy to get hurt, but then I remember that we are werewolves, so we will heal in a matter of hours.

So, when Violet finally managed to convince the two guys, that didn't like the idea, then we finally make out way to that clearing.

It takes us a bit over half an hour to reach it, but we finally pass the last trees, and they reveal a clearing that is literally filled with stones.

"It looks amazing." I say while I look at Tyler, and he smiles.

"I know, it's one of our favourite spots to hang out, and not many people know about it." Tyler explains.

"It's your favourite spot to hang out, I hate to be here." Blake says.

"Stop complaining." Violet tells him.

"But we can be attacked by rouges at any moment, and I doubt that we will be able to survive very long if we will be attacked ." Blake tells her.

"Then we won't fight, we will run, the pack is literally two minutes from here." Saul tells him.

"Whatever, but your taking fault if something happens to Tyler, because the Alpha won't be very happy that we are so reckless." Blake says.

Violet rolls her eyes, then she jumps on one of the rocks, and everyone follows her.

I don't go with them, since Tyler is holding my hand, and it seems like he wants to tell me something.

"Don't you want to play with them?" I ask him.

"I just want to tell you something first." He tells me, so I arch my eyebrow questioningly. "Violet was my girlfriend." He says.

I open my mouth to speak, but before I can say anything, he stops me.

"I didn't know that she will be here today, I thought only the guys will come, but they must have told the girls too, I wanted to tell you before you met her." He explains.

"It's fine." I say, before I give him a kiss, and then I lead him towards the stones.

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