Chapter 15

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Tyler's POV

In the evening, when the training is finally over, I go to the pack house to find my girlfriend.

I will have to break up with her, since I have told Daniel that I will give us a chance.

When I get to the pack house, I go straight up the stairs to Violet's family apartment.

She still lives with her parents and her siblings, so I hope that they aren't in the apartment right now.

I knock on the door, and it swings open, revealing Violet, she smiles at me, and she lets me get inside, and we sit on the couch that is in the small living room.

"I didn't expect you to come here." She tells me.

"I know, but I have to tell you something." I say.

"You could have showered first, your current smell is disgusting." She laughs slightly, and I chuckle too.

"What do you want to tell me?" She asks me after a while of silence.

I motion for her to sit down next to me, and she does it quickly, so I turn a bit to face her.

"We can't be together anymore." I tell her, and she frowns.

"Why not?" She asks.

"I have found my mate, and I told him that I will give us a chance, despite the fact that he's a guy." I tell her.

"Okay, then. Can we still be friends?" She asks.

I know that it's hard for her to accept the fact the we are braking up, it's hard for me too.

But we both knew that we would have to break up when one of us finds a mate, so it was expected.

"Of course." I say, and I hug her tightly.

"So, who's your mate? And how did you meet him?" She asks me curiously, ready to hear everything that I have to say.

I tell her everything, and she listens to it, before she admits that she's excited to meet him.

She had taken the news better than I have expected, so I don't feel very bad about braking up with her, at least not as bad as I thought that I will feel after leaving this apartment.

But instead, I leave it with a smile on my face.

Now I have to find my mate, so we can spend some time with each other.

I don't even know where to start looking for him, I don't know where his room is, or what he likes to do.

So, I decide to go to papa's office to ask him if he knows where Daniel might be.

But the office is locked, so I decide go to my house to see if he's there.

The walk from pack house to my family house takes only a few minutes, so I quickly reach my destination.

And when I open the door, I'm sure that papa is here, but I won't have to ask him if he knows where Daniel is, since he's sitting on the couch, right next to papa.

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