Chapter 5

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Daniel's POV

It seems that I have fallen asleep somewhere on our way, since when I open my eyes, we are already driving through the forest.

"Are we already at the pack?" I ask my father.

"Almost." He tells me, and I nod in acknowledgment.

I can't wait to get out of the car, I was sitting here for hours now.

"Alright, listen." Dad says, as he stops the car in the middle of the dirt path.

"What?" I ask him.

"When we get to the pack house, you will have to be nice." He tells me, and I roll my eyes at him.

"I will be nice, dad." I say, I'm not stupid enough to make trouble in a pack that I don't belong to, at least intentionally.

"If you try to kill someone before we even talk to the Alpha, then I doubt that we will be able to stay here." He informs me.

"I will behave." I tell him.

"I hope so." He says, and he looks at me for a while longer, before he finally drives us the rest of the way.

When we reach the pack house, I am amazed, I didn't expect it to be this big, I wonder how many members this pack has.

Our pack house was about half the size of this one.

My father gets out of the car, so I do the same, and we are immediately greeted by the guards.

If we were human then they would have stopped us before we could reach the pack house, but since we're werewolf, they allowed us to come here to be questioned.

It probably makes it easier to catch the people that come here to make trouble.

"What are you doing here?" One of the guards asks us.

"We would like to talk to the Alpha." Dad says.

"About what?" Another guard says.

"About joining this pack." Dad tells them.

"Alright then, come with us." The first guard tells us, and we follow him inside of the pack house.

He leads us towards the Alpha's office, while a few more guards go behind us, to make sure that we won't do anything to any of the pack members.

When we get there, the guard knocks on the door.

"Come in." Someone says from the other side, I'm assuming they it's the Alpha of this pack.

We walk inside, and the guards enter too, but they stay close to the door while my father, and I go to sit onto he chairs that are in front of the desk.

"What can I help you with?" The Alpha asks, at least he's nice, most of the Alphas are very annoying.

"We would like to join this pack, we left our pack a few days ago, because we wanted to live in a new place, at least for a while." My father lies.

The only good thing is that my father's sister is mated to our former Alpha's brother, so she managed to convince the Alpha to just let us leave, so we can find a new pack.

Usually, informations like that are passed to other Alphas, to make sure that the werewolves that were kicked out of their pack won't be able to find any other pack to join.

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