Chapter 20

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Daniel's POV

The next day, I say at Tyler's house for the whole day again, but this time, I make us some dinner, a salad to be exact.

When it's done, I put it into boxes, and I put them in a plastic bag, along with two bottles of juice.

Tyler enters the house only a few minutes later, so I take the bag, and I go to greet him.

"What do you have?" He asks curiously, while looking at the bag.

"You will see, let's go." I tell him, and I take his hand in mine, so I can lead him out of the door.

He lets me drag him into the woods, so I start to look for a tree that has a big branch.

"Where are we going?" He asks me, after a few minutes of walking.

"There." I say, pointing my finger at the tree that will be perfect.

He frowns, but he doesn't question me.

"We have to climb up so we can sit on that branch." I say, pointing at one of the branches.

"Okay." He says, and he begins to climb, I wait for him to sit, then I start to climb too, with the bag still in my hands.

When we are both sitting on the branch, I take the food out, and he almost salivates at the sigh, so I give him a fork, and he starts to eat instantly, so I start to eat my portion too.

He tells me about his day, and I tell him about mine, then after we finish eating, I put everything in a bag, before throwing it to the ground.

We climb down, and we decide to sit under the tree for a while, since we both enjoy the quietness that isn't very common in this pack.

"Papa would be annoyed if I told him that I let you lead me deep into the woods." He tells me.

"Why?" I ask, I just hope that Carter didn't tell him about the fact that I was thrown out of my former pack.

"He told me that I should be careful while I'm around you, because you can be quite dangerous." He says.

"Do you believe him?" I ask.

"Not really, I don't think you would hurt me." He says, surprising me slightly.

"You should believe him." I tell him honestly.

"Why?" He asks.

"When I get angry, I can't really control myself." I admit, looking at my legs.

"But last time your touch helped me." I inform him.

"We will have to work on your anger issues then." He says, and he chuckles slightly.

He kisses my cheek, so I look a up at him.

"There's one more thing, but I can't tell you right now." I say and he nods.

"You will tell me when you're ready." He says, and I nod in agreement.

"I will." I say, and I lean toward him to give him a kiss, that he deepens it quickly.

"We should go back." I tell him after a while.

"No, I want to stay for a bit longer." He tells me, before he cuddles closer to me.

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