Chapter 18

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Daniel's POV

I play with the few children that remained in the house, and it looks like they don't like me very much.

I have never been this close to a small child, so I don't even know how to act around them.

Timmy is sitting on the couch, and we talk about some nonsense, while Carter had to go to his office, that is in this house, to do some work.

I like Timmy, he's quite funny and he knows how to annoy Carter, which is the best think I have ever seen.

Mason on the other hand, isn't very fond of me, and neither is Carter, but Carter at least tries to hide it.

I don't think they trust me yet, so I doubt that Mason will ever leave his kids and mate alone with me.

Carter comes into the living room after a few hours, but he doesn't sit on the couch, he just stands in the doorway, so we all look at him.

"I have to talk with you." He says looking at me.

"Okay." I say, before I stand up.

One of the kids whines, clearly not liking the fact that I won't play with his anymore.

Maybe they like me after all, I don't even know how to tell, so I might have been wrong when I assumed that they don't like me, they just looked very uninterested in me.

Carter leads me to his office, and I sit on the chair in front of his desk while he sits on the other side of his desk.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask him curiously.

"Your father told me that you were kicked out of your former pack." He informs me, and my eyes widen.

"Are you going to kick me out?" I ask him.

"I don't think Tyler would ever forgive me if I did that, so you can stay in this pack, as long as you don't cause much trouble." He tells me, and I nod.

"I won't do anything." I promise.

"Alright then, you can go back to the living room, I just wanted to tell you that I know that you, and your father lied." He says.

I stand up and I walk towards the door, but before I open it, I turn around to face him again.

"Will you tell Tyler?" I ask him.

"No, but you should tell him soon." He tells me, and I nod in acknowledgement.

"I will, but not yet." I say, and then I open the door.

"And one more thing." He tells me, stopping me before I can walk out.

"You can stay here if Tyler will let you, but I'm building a house for Tyler, so the both of you will be able to move there soon." He tells me.

"You're building a house for us?" I ask, not really believing him.

"Yeah, I have promised Tyler that I will build him a house when he turns sixteen, since I have built one for his brother." He tells me, waiving me off.

I finally manage to go back to the living room, and I sit in the couch next to Timmy, so we can talk again.

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