Chapter 7

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Daniel's POV

I open the apartment door, and I go inside while the Alpha scolds the guard.

I sit on the couch, and I take my phone out to play some games.

Soon the door opens again, and my father walks in, he looks angry, so I stand up, and I put my phone on the couch.

I hate when my father is angry, since it's not uncommon for him to hit me in his anger, especially if he's angry at me.

"Why did you go outside of this apartment without a guard?" My father asks me.

"Because there wasn't any guard around." I tell him.

"Does it look like I care?" He asks. "You should have waited here for the guard." He tells me.

"I will next time." I say quickly, but he shakes his head in disappointment, while he comes towards me.

I quickly bow my head, knowing what will come next.

He hits me in my ribs, and I grunt, I don't try to fight him, I'm strong, but he's way stronger, so it will just make him hit me harder.

I stay as quiet as I can, while he continues to beat me, after a few minutes, he kicks my leg, and it snaps, making me drop to the floor,

I cry out loudly, and the front door opens, revealing the Alpha.

When he realises what's going on, he stops walking for a second, but the shocked expression leaves his face quickly, and he comes towards my father.

"Why did you beat him up?" The Alpha asks.

"Because he understands me better if I punch him while I speak." My father tells him.

"Well, it isn't acceptable in this pack, so you should find some different methods." The Alpha tells him, and then he picks me up in his arms, and he carries me out of the apartment, and towards the pack hospital.

I look outside, and I realise that it wasn't getting dark when I have walked outside.

It was actually a sunrise, so it means that I have slept the whole night, and I didn't even realise it.

I laugh to myself, and the Alpha looks at me like I'm crazy.

He quickly takes me into the pack hospital, and he leaves me on one of the beds, before he goes to get the Doctor.

Not long later the Doctor comes in, and he introduces himself as Chris, he's younger than I have expected, so he has to be very smart if he's a Doctor already.

He rebreakes my leg, and he puts a cast on it, then he checks my ribs, but none of them is broken, so he gives me some pain killers, and he leaves my room to check on some other patient.

I reach for my phone, so I can watch something while I'm here, but I must have left it in my apartment, so that meant the I will be sitting here in silence, for Goddess knows how long.

I groan in frustration, but not long later, I start to feel tired, most likely because of the pain killers, so I decide to close my eyes, and I try to get some more sleep.

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