Chapter 23

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Daniel's POV

I wake up with a headache, and the back of my head hurts a lot, so I touch it to see if my head is bleeding.

I don't know what happened after I have closed my eyes, I wonder if Tyler hit me, but I doubt that he has enough strength to make my unconscious.

I try to sit up, only to realise that Tyler is cuddled to me, so I move him a little bit first.

When I rest by back on the headboard, I put my hands over my face, trying to get rid of the headache.

My body will start to heal me soon, since I'm already awake.

I look to my right to see if there is any water there, but I jump slightly when I see that Carter is sitting on the desk chair, looking at me.

I ignore him, and I decide to continue to look for the bottle, and I find it next to my side of the bed.

I try to open it, but I get dizzy, and I start to see black which makes me groan, and I cover my eyes with my hands.

"Are you alright?" Carter asks me, I can hear that he stands from the chair, and he comes over to me.

He grabs my hand, and he tries to pull it away from my eyes, but I refuse to move it.

"I will call the Doctor." Carter tells me, and then he walks out of the room, only to come back about a minute later.

"Chris will be here in a few minutes." He tells me, and I nod, but I regret doing it, because it makes me sick.

I lean out of the bed, and I throw up on the floor.

"What's going on?" Tyler asks, I probably woke him up.

"I don't feel well." I say.

"Yeah, I can see." He tells me, and I groan.

Carter sits on the bed next to me, and Tyler massages my back, we sit like that for a few minutes until we hear the door bell.

Carter goes downstairs to open the door, and soon the Doctor is examining me.

"It's concussion." Doctor Chris says. "He's a werewolf, so he should feel fine in a few minutes." He explains.

"That's good." Carter says.

"Let him rest, and he should be fine." Doctor Chris tells us, and then he leaves the house.

Tyler washes the floor, and then he sits next to me again.

Carter opens the water bottle, and he hands it to me, so I drink a bit of the water, before I give it back to him.

"I will let you to rest, I'll be downstairs if you need anything." He tells us.

We talk for about an hour, but then I get tired, so Tyler helps me lay down, and I look at him with a sad smile, he smiles back, so I hug him tightly, making him chuckle in my ear, but he hugs me back.

I sigh contently, and I get myself comfortable on the bed, and I fall asleep quickly.

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