Chapter 45

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Tyler's POV

The next weekend, my friends ask me to go out with them without Daniel.

I reluctantly agree, since I haven't seen them in a long time, and Daniel doesn't like them very much, so he wouldn't want to come with me anyway.

Last time he was almost begging me to let him stay behind, and that's most likely because Blake seems to hate him.

I have no idea what his problem is, but I want to find out, since it's bothering me, I doubt that Daniel has done anything to him, so I have no idea why Blake hates him.

I reach the training grounds in a matter of minutes, and I can already hear that my friends are arguing about something.

It's definitely not uncommon, so I just roll my eyes, since they're probably arguing about something stupid, as every time we all meet together.

"Look Tyler's here." Saul says, stopping the argument.

"What do you want to do?" I ask them.

We decide to go back to the pack house, to play some games on the TV in the teenagers' day room.

I'm a bit angry that I had to go all the way here, just to go back to where I came from, but I keep the comments to myself.

We reach the pack house, and to our luck, the dayroom is empty, so we turn the TV on, and we choose a game that we want to play.

We spend here a few hours, but soon I start to miss my mate, so I decide that it's time to go, but then I remember that I wanted to talk to Blake, so I grab his arm, and I pull him with me to the corridor.

"What do you want from me?" Blake asks, with his usual uninterested look.

"Why do you hate Daniel?" I ask him.

"Because he's dangerous, and I don't want him near you or my other friends." He tells me, and I can tell that he's lying, so I arch my eyebrow, making him groan in frustration.

"Because you broke up with Violet because of him, and now she's sad." He tells me.

"She will get over it, when she will find her mate." I tell him.

"I know, but that doesn't change the fact that she's sad, and when she isn't happy, she makes everyone angry at her, so we argue every time that we meet." He says.

"Sorry, but there isn't much that I can do about it, I won't leave my mate for her." I say, and he nods in acknowledgement.

"We will have to deal with her for a while then." He tells me.

"Will you stop glaring at my mate?" I ask him, and he considers it for a while.

"Maybe." He says with a smirk, before he goes back to our friends.

I just shake my head, and I go out of the pack house, to finally see my mate.

I have no idea how I lasted almost a whole day without him next to me

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