Chapter 4

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Tyler's POV

"So, where are we going?" I ask Saul.

"I have no idea." He tells me.

"I want to play soccer." I say, and he groans, he used to like soccer, but he stopped to like it recently.

"Stop whining." I tell him, smacking him on his chest.

"I don't want to play soccer, especially if I will be playing only with you." He tells me.

"Why?" I ask, slightly annoyed.

"Because you can't even kick the ball straight, so it's frustrating for the both of us." He tells me, and I groan, knowing that it's true.

"I will learn." I tell him.

"If you were going to learn, then you would have already known how to play, and you still don't know anything." He says.

"We are playing soccer anyway." I demand, and he groans loudly, so I smack him again, this time a lot harder.

He lets me slide down, and when I'm on the ground, I grab his hand, and I pull him with me, going to the training field, where the soccer balls should be, since everyone goes there to play, and no one ever takes the balls back to the pack house.

"Look there's a ball." I tell him, when I spot a soccer ball that is laying on the other side of the training grounds.

I quickly run across the clearing, and I grab the ball, before I run back to Saul.

When I'm only a few feet away from him, I put the ball on the grass, and I kick it.

It actually gets to him, so he kicks it back to me.

When I try to kick it again, I almost fall, but I manage to stay on my feet, and when I finally manage to kick it, it goes nowhere near Saul.

He laughs, while I run to get the ball that is getting further, and further away from us.

When I catch up to it, I don't get the chance to pick it up, since someone runs into me, and makes me stumble to the ground.

"Sorry man." Blake says, he's my other friend.

"Why did you run into me?" I ask him, while standing up.

"I didn't see you there, I was running away from the guys." He tells me, pointing behind.

I look at where he points, and I see that the rest of our friends have stopped next to Saul.

"Did you force Saul to play soccer with you again?" He asks me, as we make our way towards our friends.

"Yeah. And why were you running away from the guys?" I ask him curiously.

"Because I have annoyed them, and they wanted to beat me up." He responds, and I laugh slightly.

"Alright, let's do something else, I really don't want to play soccer." Saul complains when we reach them.

"No, we are playing." I say, and I kick the ball again, this time towards one of the other guys.

Saul groans in frustration for the millionth time today, but the rest of the guys seem to want to play, so we just ignore him.

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