Chapter 8

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Tyler's POV

"Dad, Can I skip the training today?" I ask, as I enter the living room tiredly.

Dad sits at the couch, with Hugh and Leon, and papa sits on the opposite couch.

"No." Papa tells me.

"I wasn't asking you." I tell him, and he rolls his eyes at me.

"I don't care, I said no." He tells me, but I waive him off.

"Dad, can I skip the training?" I ask again.

"Your papa said no." He tells me, and I groan loudly.

"Does it look like I care about anything that he has to say?" I ask him.

"I say no too." He responds, not answering my question.

"But I don't want to train today." I whine.

"Go away." Leon tells me with a glare, clearly annoyed by my complaining.

I smirk at him, before I turn back to dad.

"Can you tell papa to let me skip the training?" I ask him with puppy eyes.

I know that it will work, and so does he, so when he sees my expression, he quickly looks away.

"Not this time." Dad tells me, with a chuckle.

"Whatever." I say, giving up.

I turn around to go upstairs so I can get ready, but I walk into Mason, my head almost hitting his.

"Hi." He says.

I look at him, and I realise that he's shirtless, so I look at his chest, and I take in all the muscles that he got from the training.

"Alright, I want some muscles too, so I will go to that training." I say to myself, before I smack Mason's chest lightly with my hand, making him groan at me.

I hear papa and Hugh laugh at my actions, so I chuckle as I go up the stairs.

When I reach my room, I quickly take some clothes out of my dresser, and I change into them, before I go back downstairs for the breakfast.

Most of the kids are still asleep, since it's very early, and they don't have to be up yet.

And since the two kids that are awake, have most likely already ate with my parents and Mason, that leaves me to eat alone.

But that's great, I have a lot of siblings, so when I get some alone time, especially in this house, then I appreciate it as long as I can.

I quickly eat all the toasts, and I walk out of the door, and towards the training grounds, since the training will start in a few minutes.

On my way there, I see Saul, so I quickly run to him, and I jump on his back, as I do every time that I see him.

He groans as usual, but he doesn't force me to get down, so I stay on his back, as he carries me the rest of the way to the training grounds.

When we reach the clearing, I see that there already are more people than I can count, so I jump to my feet, and we find a good spot for ourselves.

Usually we stay with our friends, but we are late today, so I doubt that we will be able to find them in this crowd.

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