Chapter 10

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Daniel's POV

I wake up to some amazing smell, I wonder what smells like that, but whatever it is, I definitely want it.

I stand up from the bed, my leg doesn't hurt anymore, so it's most likely already healed under the cast.

I walk towards the door, and I step out into the corridor, the smell leads me to the last room.

I already know that this smell belongs to my mate, since my instincts are going crazy, demanding me to find the source of the smell.

I go towards it, and I look for a while at the door that separate us, considering if I should walk inside or not.

But the door looks slightly different than the other doors, so I decide to wait outside, since I don't know what's going in inside of that room.

It takes longer than I have expected for the Doctor to come out, and when he finally does, he smells like my mate's blood, so I growl, making his eyes widen.

"What have you done to my mate?" I ask him.

"I haven't done anything to anyone." He tells me with a frown.

"Then why do you smell like my mate's blood?" I ask him, and his looks like he just realised what's going on.

"Because your mate had a surgery, he's fine now, it was just a broken bone that healed incorrectly." He informs me, making my anger dissappear slightly.

"Okay." I say, as I sit down on the chair again, and I put my face in my hands that are rested on my knees.

"Are you alright?" He asks me, after a while, I didn't even realise that he's still here.

"I'm fine." I tell him, before I stand up, and I go to the room that I have walked out off.

I will have to wait to see my mate anyway, I had a surgery once, so I know that he won't be awake for the next few hours.

I lay down on the bed, and I close my eyes again, hoping to sleep until I can see my mate, but my body refuses to do so, and I end up just laying with my eyes closed for a few hours.

Untill Doctor Chris comes inside of my room.

He take the cast off, then he examines my leg, and he tells me that I'm ready to go out.

"Is my mate awake?" I ask him.

"He's still sleeping but he should wake up very soon." He tells me, and I nod in acknowledgement.

"I will stay here until I can meet him." I tell the Doctor, before I realise what I have just said.

"Wait. He?" I ask him.

"Yeah, your mate is a boy, and a son of our Alpha, most likely the future heir." He tells me with a chuckle, before he leaves the room.

I don't really mind the fact that my mate is male, I just hope that he will like me.

And I hope that the Alpha will be alright with having a gay son.

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