Chapter 43

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Daniel's POV

I throw up a few more times, and Carter brings me a bottle of water, so when I stop throwing up, I drink the water happily.

When I'm done, I set the bottle on the ground, and I look at Tyler.

"We have to go to the Doctor." Tyler tells me, and I know that there is no way to get out of it this time, so I nod my head in acknowledgement.

He stands up, and I follow him, the rest of the family stays behind, and Tyler tells them that we will most likely come back here, if we're out of the hospital quickly.

When we reach the pack house, the guards look at me suspiciously, but Tyler sends then a glare, and they look away.

We go to the pack hospital, and Tyler knocks on the Doctor's office door, and he leads me to the room that is the closest to us, before the Doctor can even come out.

I sit on the bed, and he rubs my head gently, which that makes me feel a little better, so I close my eyes for a while.

I open them when I hear the Doctor come towards us.

"What's wrong this time." Doctor Chris asks.

"He was throwing up a few days ago, and he just threw up again." Tyler explains.

"Is there a possibility that he's pregnant?" Doctor Chris asks.

"Not really." Tyler responds.

"Alright, let's check it anyway." Chris tells us, and he disappear for a minute before he comes back with a machine.

He pushes my shirt up, after I lay down on the bed, and then he pours some cold gel on my stomach, I wince a bit, but soon my attention goes towards the screen, that is in front of us.

I don't know what's on it, so I look at the Doctor instead, he has a frown on his face while he moves something on my stomach.

"Well, you're not pregnant, so I will have to do some examinations." He tells me as he stands up from his chair.

He goes to the other side on the room, and he comes back with a needle, Tyler shivers when he sees it, and I laugh slightly.

"You can wait outside." I tell him, and he nods, before he quickly leaves the room.

"I think everyone in his family hates needles, except Carter." Doctor Chris tells me, and I chuckle at that.

"Do you think that I'm seriously sick or something?" I ask Chris, while he takes the blood form me.

"I won't know until I do some examinations, I don't like to assume things, but it definitely wasn't smart decision to not come here right after you were sick, especially since you knew that you can't get pregnant." Chris tells me, and I nod in acknowledgement.

"I won't wait next time." I tell him.

When he has enough of my blood, he goes out of the room, and Tyler comes back inside.

He sits on the bed next to me, so I hug him close to me.

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