Chapter 24

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Daniel's POV

The next morning, I leave Tyler in the bed, and I decide to go downstairs to get something to eat.

When I have my sandwiches done, I take them to the living room, and I start to eat them slowly.

A few minutes later, Carter joins me on the couch, but I don't look at him.

"Are you angry?" I ask him.

"A little bit, I want to know why you attacked your father." He tells me, and I groan.

"He slapped me on the back of my head, after I told him that I don't need a guard with me anymore." I tell him, already knowing that it's not enough to beat someone up.

"That's all?" He asks, unimpressed.

"Sorry." I mumble, and he sighs.

"I won't say that it's okay, since it's not, but I will let it slide this time." He tells me.

"Thank you." I say.

"With one condition." He tells me, and I manage to hold back the groan.

"What condition?" I ask him.

"There is one guy in this pack." He begins.

"And you want me to beat him up for you?" I ask.

"Not really." He says, and then he laugh for a while, before he manages to continue.

"I want you to talk with him, he will help you with your anger issues." He explains, and this time I groan loudly.

"Deal?" He asks.

"Deal." I tell him, with a defeated sigh.

"How's your head?" He asks me.

"It's fine." I tell him.

"Good." He says, before he steals one of my sandwiches, and then he walks out of the living room, mostly likely to start his work.

I sit in silence for a while, until Hugh comes here, and sits next to me.

He doesn't say anything, so I give him one of the sandwiches, I might have actually made too many, since I have a few more left, and I'm already quite full.

He takes it happily, and when he's done with it, I tell him that he can eat the rest of them, which he does happily.

"I have breakfast." Timmy tells us.

"Too late dad." High says, with the last sandwich in his mouth.

I laugh slightly, and the two of the laugh too.

A few seconds later Timmy goes to the dining room, to give the breakfast to the rest of the kids.

The door bell rings, so I stand up to open the door  since everyone else is eating, and Hugh comes with me.

"Hi Joseph." Hugh greets the man that stands in front of us, after I open the door.

"Hi, are your parents here?" Joseph asks him, eyeing me suspiciously.

Before Hugh can answer  Timmy comes over, so I go back to the living room to let them talk.

A few minutes later, Timmy comes over to me, with four small children.

"Where did you get more kids?" I ask him.

"My son's mate gave them to me." He says, slightly amused.

"Does everyone in this family have this many kids?" I ask him.

"It started with me and Carter." He says.

"I hope I will have only one." I say.

He only laughs, and I can hear that everyone in the dining room is laughing too, which makes me frown, but I decide that I don't want to ask.

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