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you don't need to read my first book to understand this one but here are things you do need to know: remus survived and is married to my oc adeline wilson, but teddy lupin is still his and tonks kid. fred, tonks, and dobby survived. tonks and mary got married, ginny and luna got married and harry married a muggle woman.

takes place in the 2020s! so modern references will be used and it will be mostly narrative but i'll also include some social media and texting

second generation characters can get very confusing so here is a list of the most important people, but it will all be repeated when necessary so don't bother memorizing lol. keep in mind this is a sequel technically so some characters are a little different.

headmaster: our lovely, favorite mcgonagall

heads of houses:
grffyindor: neville longbottom (herbology)
slytherin: rufus bennetts (oc) (transfigurations)
hufflepuff: adeline wilson (potions)
ravenclaw: filius flitwick (charms)

our gryffindor friend group:

james sirius potter- son of harry and isabel potter (oc)- 6th year

roxanne weasley- daughter of george and katie weasley- 6th year

fred weasley ii- son of george and katie weasley- 6th year

george weasley ii- son of fred and angelina weasley- 6th year

our slytherin friend group:

leo cynthia malfoy- daughter of draco malfoy and cynthia otto (oc)- 6th year

bianca zabini- daughter of blaise zabini- 6th year

marco nott- son of theodore nott- 6th year

other important characters:

marcus flint ii- slytherin 7th year

pandora weasley- daughter of luna and ginny weasley- ravenclaw 6th year

alice longbottom- hufflepuff 6th year

andres regulus potter- slytherin 4th year- (changed from albus severus)

scorpius malfoy- slytherin 4th year

rose weasley- gryffindor 4th year

lily luna potter- slytherin 1st year

teddy lupin- hufflepuff graduate

victorie weasley- ravenclaw graduate

ares goyle- slytherin graduate

marlene mcdonald-tonks - hufflepuff graduate

how to be a pureblood 101 // j.s.p.Where stories live. Discover now