"it's a date"

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Practice went better than Leo expected. She still had some backtalk, but at least they listened occasionally. And her trick to just keep moving worked out.

However, it also exhausted her beyond belief.

"I'm dead." Leo said as she laid face down flat on her bed.

"I'd say fuck your captain, but you did it to yourself baby." Bianca said from her desk as she worked on homework.

"I had to. Anytime I let them take a break they started complaining and harassing me." Leo said as her voice was muffled by her pillow.

"Kick them off the team." Marco suggested from Leo's desk.

"I can't, I want to win." Leo replied as she rolled over to her back.

"Winning isn't worth it if your mental health will be shit." Marco pointed out.

"Winning will improve my mental health." Leo responded.

"Will it?" Bianca asked concerned.

"Don't worry about that. I'm fine. Never been happier."

"Mhm. Def believe that." Marco replied looking her up and down.

"Ugh enough of that." Leo said sitting up the whole way and pulling her phone out, "I have verbal confirmation that George likes boys."

"You're shitting my dick right now." Marco responded as he immediately left his chair and jumped on Leo's bed.

"Why else would I partner with Potter?" Leo
said smugly.

"Lele you ask us to stop making Potter jokes and then you just set them up for us perfectly. Like how can you possibly expect us not to dunk it." Bianca said sincerely.

"Fine I'll let you have this one." Leo replied with a sigh.

"Can you reset the question so it's more authentic?" Bianca asked.

"Why else would I partner with Potter?" Leo repeated.

"Because you want that dick." Marco replied.

"MARCO!" Bianca yelled throwing her book at him, "That one was mine!"

"Then talk faster bitch!" Marco replied chucking the book back at her.

"Okay, okay." Leo said trying to save the peace, "I get it, you think I did it because I wanted him. But I think Charms is proof that we are not into each other. Okay? I sat with Chad and he sat with some other bitch."

"Chase." Bianca corrected, "You sat with Chase who is in the top five hottest guys at Hogwarts."

"Let guess, you consider Fred, George, and Potter in the top five as well."

"Of course." Bianca replied obviously, "But the fact that you forgot his name, does not make a strong argument that you would've rather sat with Potter."

"Plus when you partnered up with him in Astronomy you two sat back in the corner away from everyone." Marco added on.

"Well Marco, did you want me to ask him if George liked boys while George was in earshot?" Leo retorted.

"No." Marco quickly shook his head.

"Exactly. But Potter confirmed that George liked boys and apparently he also dated Cedric like half of last year."

"Seriously?" Marco asked.

"Okay thank you, I thought I was going crazy."

"I mean you are but not for that reason." Bianca said, "Because I also missed that."

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