"jimmy fallon"

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"Cynthia is going on Jimmy Fallon tonight to do damage control on RihannaGate, so you aren't needed." Hillary announced to Leo.

"Okay sounds good." Leo agreed.

"We're having a final meeting to figure out what exactly what she's saying in," Hillary checked her watch, "Five minutes. It's up to you whether or not you want to come."

"I mean why not." Leo shrugged, "Only have a few days left anyways, might as well."

"Alright," Hillary said as she checked her email on her IPad, "Actually there's a note that says you are not necessary for the meeting. Cynthia must've added that because I sure didn't."

"So I'm not wanted?" Leo asked a bit hurt.

"Nope." Hillary said before noticing the disappointment on Leo's face, "She probably didn't want you to hear more details about the abuse and everything."

"I mean I already witnessed it so..." Leo said a tad bitterly.

"Sorry sweetheart." Hillary said sympathetically, "See you tomorrow at 8am!"

"Yes ma'am." Leo agreed as she grabbed her bag and headed out of the building.

She got in a taxi and turned her phone back on to see a missed call from James.

Brnng Br-

"Leooooo."  James said as soon as he picked up.

"Jaaaaaaames." Leo said copying his tone.

"I have an important question."

"That's scary."

"You should be terrified."

"Oh joy."

"Nah not really. I just wanted to know what happened with Melinda at that party? The guys and I were talking about it and we were just curious what all went down."

"You never asked her what happened?" Leo inquired.

"Nah I knew she'd twist it to be your fault and I didn't want to hear it."

"Oh okay, well all I have is my perspective and a blurry memory since I was dying during the convo."

"Hit me with it."

"Okay, well I was just chilling on the couch and she came over and sat down on it, so we were in like close proximity and she started talking loudly which was so bloody painful. And she reminded me about how I told her I'd back off if you guys started dating-,"

"-Wait when did you tell her that?" James asked a bit hurt that Leo was willing to stay away from him.

"Oh, uh, remember that day I was in the library with her and you yelled at me?"


"Yeah she said that she's had exes leave her for their exes before and she didn't want that to happen again. So I agreed not to interfere at all. And I like to think I did not."

"Not intentionally. Go on with the story."

Leo decided it was better not to ask what he meant and continued, "Okay so I was like yeah bro I have been backing off. And told me no I wasn't because I was always popping up."

"When her and I started dating I didn't see you outside of class like at all?"

"Exactly! She brought up that one time they were hanging out in, quote, BIANCA'S room. And I came in and like ruined the vibe or whatever."

"Fuck's sake, I remember that. She was hella pissed at me. All because I said 'hi' when you walked in."

"Like I would've gotten being upset if you guys were all hanging out at like the Three Broomsticks for dinner or something and I tried to sit with you, but my own dorm?? And I didn't even talk to you guys I did my homework!"

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