"blowing bennetts off"

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"Lily! I have the coolest news!" James said running up to his little sister.

"Talk while walking James, I can't be late." Lily quipped as she continued through the castle with her broomstick in hand.

"I was at a meeting this morning and Tío Ron revealed that the snitch is only going to be worth 75 points this year!" Despite primarily playing as a Seeker, Lily too found that the Snitch was overpowered. She didn't care about the praise
of being a Seeker, she just liked the rush of spotting it and chasing it.

"Interesting." Lily said thinking it out, "Do you think it will last?"

"I'm not sure yet, it's just an experiment."

"Well I'm sure Leo is going to tell us all about it during tryouts."

James looked her up and down and saw that she was ready for Quidditch, "Are Slytherin tryouts today?"

"Yep!" Lily said confidently.

"Damn that's early."

"Better to get it over with." Lily said with a shrug, "I wish I would've gotten to practice on the pitch beforehand though. I don't know the layout as well to be able to find the Snitch with all the background sights."

"About that- are you still planning on trying for Seeker?"

"Yeah." Lily said getting worried at James's expression, "You've always said I was a great Seeker."

"You are. You would be the best option by far. But... Marcus Flint is a returning player, and Malfoy hates my guts. Your best chance of getting on the team would probably trying for Chaser."

"You don't think I'm better than Flint?" Lily asked hurt. Sometimes it's hard to remember that Lily is only a child.

"No no that's not what I'm saying at all. There's just- with Slytherin having the right connections is a big deal. Malfoy has been playing alongside Flint for years and he's been the Seeker for years. Plus like I said she hates me."

"But she loves Andres." Lily pointed out.

"True, but Andres stays away from Quidditch. I'm just looking out for you Lils. You're a great Chaser as well." 

"I'll think about it." Lily said with a sigh.

"That's all I ask." James said with a smile, "Now go kick some ass."

Lily took a deep breath as she approached the locker room, "Thanks Jamey. I'll come find you after the try out."

"No need. I'll be here waiting."

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Leo sat on her broomstick looking over the pitch.
She pulled her phone out her pocket to check the time. 4:30pm. She answered her group chat real quick to say thank you for the good luck messages from Marco and Bianca.

She started circling the field. From the people
below it probably looked like she was a vulture stalking her prey, but instead Leo was trying to shake her nerves.

She knew that she had knowledge and skill required of a captain. Her plays were solid, her drills were strong, but that wasn't all it took to be a good captain. The thing she knew she lacked was the respect of the players. There was talk all
morning about how Marcus was robbed of the position. Rumors flew about her dad bribing Bennetts, even more flew about Leo hooking up with him.

Ares had respect handed to him, she was going to have to earn it. She checked her phone once more to see if he'd texted her yet. He'd texted only a few times that day, but he knew that she was holding tryouts and she expected a good luck text. He must just be busy. Leo circled the field a few more times before landing at 4:45.

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