"little miss competitive"

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Leo was quite frankly thriving in New York.

Most days she just did her little errands with Louis in the afternoon and then spent the evenings with him and his wife.

On the days when Cynthia had an event to go to, Leo would often be there when she was getting ready so she could give her opinion or run and get anything they needed.

She barely even saw her mum, and while that would typically upset her, she was actually happy about it for once.

Her and her mother only spoke once since Christmas, and that one time helped lead her to break up with James. So not speaking to her mum was sort of a blessing.

"What's the plan for tomorrow?" Louis asked Leo with a brightness in his expression.

"Photoshoot." Leo sighed, "It starts at 6am. Woo."

"We will turn you into a morning person someday." Louis said positively.

"That will never happen." Leo said shaking her head, "I am cursed to hate waking up."

"Not if you go to bed earlier." Louis scolded.

"Yes but that's when I talk to my friends and family. Yeah it's 4am here but it's 9pm there." Leo explained.

"Ah and how are young Marco and Bianca doing?"

"Good." Leo said with a smile, "They spend most of their time with their boyfriends. So I am very glad I didn't stay."

"Whatever happened to the boy we bought the art supplies for?" Louis asked curiously.

"Oh, uh, we actually dated a bit. But then I broke up with him."

"Why would you do that, I thought you really liked that boy?" Louis exclaimed.

"I do- did- no do. I just... I'm not in the right mental state for a relationship."

"Hmm. What mental state do you consider right for a relationship?"

"I dunno... not having an irrational fear that every man in my life is going to hit me."

"Do you think I will hit you?" Louis inquired.

"Not at all."

"Your father?"






"But the boy is a yes?"

"... No. I don't really think he will. But I also fear he will. I don't know. We haven't gotten this far in my therapy. We're still unpacking childhood trauma."

"I am no expert. But it sounds to me like, yes, you broke up with this boy because you were afraid of him physically hurting you. But now you're staying away because you're scared he'll hurt you emotionally?"

"No I- I think I'll hurt him emotionally. I really fucked him up when I broke up with him. I can't do it to him again. I refuse to hurt him. And I'm already hiding such a huge part of my life from him and I just, I can't hurt him again."

"Fear is a natural part of love Leo. You can not fall in love without being afraid because love is so terrifying. But once you do overcome that fear, you'll have a person who you will feel nothing but safe around."

"I dunno Louis. I kept telling him how much I wanted him to move on. I can't just say surprise I want you again so come back to me. That's a bitch move. Especially since he dated someone else and then they broke up and my friends think they broke up because of me."

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