"i just have to stay"

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Leo walked through the city alone.

Paris on Christmas Day was still a bustling place full of tourists and locals alike.

And Leo was determined to have a good Christmas. She wouldn't let Rob ruin it. Because Rob ruins everything.

Ruined her Christmas Eve.

Ruined her mum.

Ruined her childhood.

But not this Christmas.

Brnng Brnng.

"Happy Christmas!" Draco, Scorpius, and Astoria all yelled into the phone.

"Happy Christmas you guys." Leo replied with a relieved smile on her face.

"Did you have a good Christmas Morning with your mum?" Draco asked as he walked away from his wife and son.

"Yeah." Leo lied, "She had a shoot so I'm out in the city now."

"Stay safe out there. Do you have any idea what day you're planning on coming home?"

Leo didn't have an idea in the slightest. Half of her wanted to take the next train back. The other half needed to care for her mother.

"Not sure yet, do you have a preference?" Tell me to come back tomorrow. Right now. Don't give me a choice.

"No preference at all. Just wanted to start planning out the week."

"Okay, I'll keep you posted then." Leo responded disappointed.

"Are you okay honey?" Draco asked.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"I know your mother can be flighty at times. I don't want you to have a lonely Christmas."

"Don't worry we had spent the morning together. Cooked breakfast," Cut my foot open. "Opened presents," Made fun of James's gift, "And chatted a bit." Slapped me.

"Good I'm glad you're having a fun time. Can't wait to see pictures!"

"Of course daddy, I love you!"

"I love you too sweetie. We're going to be at the Lupin party this evening in case I don't answer any call or text. But please just keep messaging if I don't reply."

"Sounds good. I love you."

"I love you too. Happy Christmas!"

"Happy Christmas." Leo said softly as she hung up.

She looked around the busy city that was filled to the brim with love and life and her determination grew larger.

Leo went and did everything that was still open until making her way back to the apartment for a Christmas dinner.

"I'm back." Leo called out.

"Good! Dinner is just about ready." Cynthia yelled back as if nothing had happened.

Leo walked into the kitchen to put down a bouquet of flowers she bought, but instead saw an unknown woman cooking dinner.

"Uh hi." Leo said as she grabbed a vase.

"Bonjour." The woman replied emotionless in a thick French accent.

"Pas d'anglais?" Leo asked in reply.

"Non." The woman replied as she continued to cook.

"What are you doing in there?" Cynthia asked entering the kitchen. "Let Annie do her job. YOURE DOING A GREAT JOB ANNIE." Cynthia yelled while giving her a thumbs up.

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