"if that's even your real name"

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"Come on Leo, wake up for me." James said as he lightly shook her the next morning. He had been trying to wake her for the past few minutes with no luck.

Leo groaned as she finally rolled over to talk to him, "Was it a dream?"

"No." James replied sympathetically. "My parents want to speak with you. They took off of work today."

"Shit." Leo sighed, "Think I can just go back to sleep?"

"No can do babes," James said pulling her arms to make her sit.

Leo scanned his body to see he had the same clothes on as yesterday, "You stayed all night?"

"Of course I did dumbass. Didn't want you to wake up alone."

"Thank you." Leo replied with a small smile.


"No James really thank you. For everything, you don't have to be this nice to me. I know we've been talking more lately but you could easily kick me out and I would understand. I'm not trying to play with your feelings or anything here-."

"Leo." James said sternly to shut her up, "You need emotional support. If you didn't come to me I would be upset. Because I care about you, and I always will. You don't have to keep saying thank you. I've done way more for Lily and Andres and they thank me half as much."

"I'm gonna keep thanking you James because you deserve to know how much I appreciate this- how much I appreciate you. I really, really missed having you around."

"I missed you too." James replied, "Now let's go, I'll grab you some new clothes, and there's spare toothbrushes in the bathroom across the hallway."

"Or I never leave this bed and then I am not confronted with any of the consequences of my mother's actions." Leo suggested.

"Ha ha, so funny. Get the Hell up. My parents are waiting."

"I hate tough love." Leo complained as she got out of the bed.

"Well I don't care because you gotta get ready. It's a brand new day. You've already slept fifteen hours." James gave her a slight shove as they walked out of the bedroom, "And you're too stubborn to let your mum ruin your life so keep that head up."

"I can't wait to read your self help book in five years." Leo teased as she walked backwards into the bathroom.

"You can write the foreword and fill it with a bunch of anecdotes on my best work. We all know I've had to help you a ton."

"You're welcome for providing you with such essential experience." Leo smiled sweetly.

"Your fucked up life is full of great content." James called out as he went into his own bedroom.

When Leo stepped in the bathroom she was met with overwhelming silence. It was too normal. Joking with James was too normal. She was feeling too normal.

It's impossible that it feels this normal when her life had just ended.

And she was correct.

The little utopia bubble that she experienced whenever it was just her and James would always pop.

"How are you?" Harry asked as Leo sat in front of him and Isabel.

"I don't know." Leo replied numbly as she fiddled with the string of James's sweatpants that were too big for her.

"Well I mean, the two of us had no clue." Isabel said to take the spotlight off of Leo, "We were quite shocked when we saw the news."

"You saw the news? So you knew before you got home and found out I was here?" Leo asked defeated.

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