"i have a boyfriend"

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Ravenclaw beat Hufflepuff as expected that weekend, however, nobody expected it to be by a 205-20 point margin. Thus putting Ravenclaw in the current lead for the House Cup.

"So as long as we beat Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff and Slytherin either loses or doesn't accumulate a lot of points then we'll win the Cup. It's honestly extremely possible, especially since we're sitting at 205, 105, 100, 20. People have come back from far worse odds. We just need to keep our training up." James, Fred, George, and Roxanne sat in the Gryffindor Common room the day after the Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff game.

Bianca and Marco were somehow allowed to commentate again, so Leo ended up sitting with the Gryffindors alone, where her and James spent the whole time taking notes on the other teams.

James continued despite his friends not answering, "I think I might draw up some winter break workouts for you guys to stay in shape other the holiday."

"Ew James don't do that." George whined finally speaking up.

"We gotta be in tip top condition!" James exclaimed.

"But it's Christmas James." Roxanne said pointedly.

"So? It'll just be a suggestion. A very strongly worded and persuasive suggestion."

"I thought Leo was going to mellow you out but, no, she's making you worse." George complained.

"This has nothing to do with her and everything to do with me wanting to win the House Cup!"

"I'm still going to blame her." Fred butted in with a shrug.

"Blaming her for your own laziness?" James scoffed.

"Nah nah nah there's a reason behind blaming her." Fred replied.

"And what reason is that?"

"Until you two finally fuck you're going to be an uptight try hard at Quidditch to take your sexual frustrations out somewhere else." Fred explained simply.

"That is so crude man, don't talk about her like that." James said with a scowl.

"Yeah Freddie, that's a bit too far." Roxanne scolded, "Although I do think we're all curious when you're going to ask her out on a simple date?"

"Never." James replied as he pulled out his Quidditch playbook.

"HA! Funny. Now when?" Roxanne asked again.

"I don't plan on asking her out."

"And why not?"

"Because I heard her explicitly say she doesn't like me and never will? She said some other shit with it that she apologized for but I could tell she meant that part. So we're just friends and gonna stay that way." James said as he scribbled out a drawing of the pitch. Sometimes just sketching what the pitch looked like inspired him into certain plays.

"So you're going to just be her friend?" Roxanne said with a laugh, "That's kind of hard to do when you're in love."

"I'm not in love." James replied without looking up.

"Okay James, so you don't plan on ever dating Leo." George said to him.

"That's what I just said, yes. Way to listen."

"Then let me set you up on a blind date." George suggested.

"Why would I say yes to that?" James asked as he erased a mistake on his sketch.

"Because if you don't like Malfoy, then why say no to a date. And if you do but won't ask her out, then a new girl is a great way to get over her."

"That's not fair to whomever this girl is." James replied knowing George's second reasoning was a lot more accurate to his situation.

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