"mr prongs jr's responsibility"

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"We need to take photos before I leave!" Leo announced to Bianca and Marco who had migrated towards each other.

"Where are you going?" Marco slurred out from his drunken state.

"That's on a need to know basis." Leo replied dismissively. "Now pictures please!"

"You are telling us everything tomorrow." Bianca whispered in her ear as Leo nodded.

Fred and George were helpless at taking photos so they ended up just pairing off for duo ones.

James ended up getting bored and coming to get Leo just as they were finishing up. "Almost done?"

"Yeah just a minute." Leo replied ignoring the curious looks from Bianca and Marco.

"Did you guys seriously bring an actual camera?" James asked amused.

"Potter shut up." Leo responded as her and Bianca posed.

"I'm bored!" James complained after being quiet for two seconds.

"Fine!" Leo snapped, "Let's go!"

"Have fun!" Bianca said in a teasing voice.

"But not too much!" Marco added matching her tone.

"Move." Leo said pushing him towards the door.

"Did you get any good pictures?" James asked ignoring how annoyed she was.

"I would've gotten more if you hadn't been impatient."

"Give me your camera." James said holding out his hand.

"No I don't trust you." Leo replied keeping it away from him.

"Fine." James pulled out his phone, "Smile."

Leo just continued to glare at him.

"Terrible smile." James shook his head. He couldn't help but smile himself when he noticed that Leo's angry face was slipping.

She pulled up the camera and took a photo of him.

"Hey! I did not consent to having my photo taken!" James yelled but he couldn't even feign anger.

"Did I say that I cared?"

"Give me the camera." James demanded again but this time Leo complied.

He held it up, and instead of glaring Leo let him take one good picture before reaching for it back "Now come on. Let's go."

"About that. We have two options." James said suspiciously.

"Should I be scared? Because I'm scared."

"You should be a little scared. Option one is we just go to the Tower and cross our fingers we don't get caught."

"Option two?" Leo asked not liking the first one.

"I get us there without risk of detention, but I have to cover your eyes."

"Really Potter?" Leo asked defeated.

"Pick your poison!" James answered cheerfully.

"I guess blindfold." Leo sighed, "Only because I don't want to be caught drinking. I couldn't care less about breaking curfew."

"Okay great choice." He slipped off his sweatshirt and held it out for her, "Put this on."


"-Do it!" James demanded, once she slipped it on, he put up the hood and pulled the strings tight so it covered her eyes. "Perfect."

"Potter I'm terrified already." Leo said reached to open the hood.

James grabbed her hands on the way up, "Just trust me okay? You'll take a drink from me but you won't let me lead you through the castle blind. You have strange priorities."

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