"the end"

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"Lyra, Percy, get your shoes on we have to go." Leo announced to her children as she put on her own heels.

"Mamá I don't wanna!" Lyra whined with a pout as her light-up Sketchers sat in front her.

"Love, if you don't put your shoes on then we can't go visit papá." Leo said as she knelt down to her level and grabbed the shoe.

"But pá will be home tonight anyways won't he?" Lyra asked intelligently, causing Leo to laugh softly to herself.

"Yes he will. But I can't leave you alone and I'm going to see papá now." Leo reasoned with her daughter. She carefully lifted Lyra's foot who let her put the shoe on.

"Mamá look! I tied my own shoes!" Percy announced proudly.

"Good job baby," Leo glanced over to see Percy's shoes with a big knot on the top of them. With a quick wave of her wand, she fixed Percy's shoes and finished putting on Lyra's. "Alright let's go my loves."

Leo grabbed onto her children's hands as she led them to the backyard where an old boot sat next to a wooden play set. The trio grabbed on together as they were transported to a field.

"When do we get to see papá?" Percy asked after they oriented themselves to their new location.

"We gotta go find your Tiós and Tías first, Percy." Leo explained calmly as she began leading the children through rows of tents.

"Are Gemma and Artie gonna be there?" Lyra asked excitedly.

"Yes baby, I told you that multiple times."

"Yay!" Lyra cheered cluelessly as they approached the Weasley-Nott-Potter tent.

"Okay go play, but-," Leo didn't get a change to finish her safety spiel before the kids ran off towards their honorary cousins.

"You're late." Bianca clicked her tongue as Leo sat down in a lawn chair next to her.

"Getting dressed was a struggle like always." Leo sighed while Marco handed her a butter beer.

"You could just spell them into clothes." Bianca replied obviously.

"You know they go to muggle primary school. They gotta be able to do things without magic." Leo replied rolling her eyes. As she went to fight over their parenting styles more, Leo noticed the lack of a alcohol in Bianca's hand. "Pregnant?"

"Ha! I told you she'd figure it out!" Marco cackled as Bianca groaned.

"It's still early, okay? Only you guys and Fred know. We haven't even told Artie."  Bianca explained to Leo.

"You know I'd never share your personal information with anyone- unlike some people I know." Leo replied bitterly.

"Leo when are you going to let that go?" Bianca whined dramatically.

"Bianca you announced to my husband I was pregnant!" Leo argued as Marco sighed, having heard this fight countless times.

"You should have told him before you told me!"

"I took the test with you at 5pm and you told him at 5:15pm!"

"That was your first mistake!"

"Mamá, help." Percy demanded as he handed Leo a bottle of water.

Leo calmly unscrewed the cap and handed it back to him, "No chewing on the cap."

"You could always get pregnant again so our kids can fall in love." Bianca suggested.

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