"my mum"

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Leo didn't sleep at all on the plane or on the Knightbus, and with the time difference she found herself on the front step of the Potter House at 3pm in the afternoon after being awake for about 24 hours.

Knock Knock Knock.

Leo stepped back and waited. She wiped the tears from her eyes to portray some semblance of togetherness, but she knew that with her swollen red eyes and dark circles, she wasn't fooling anyone.

The door swung open and Leo was face to face with James.

"Leo?" James asked confused, but his face quickly softened into concern as he took in her distressed state.

"You said Scorp was here right?" Leo asked slowly trying to stop herself from sobbing at the mere sight of James.

"Yeah." James said softly. He turned his head slightly towards the stairs without taking his eyes off of Leo, "SCORPIUS GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE NOW!"

"Thank you." Leo whispered as she still tried to keep her crying at bay.

"Are you okay?" James asked already able to tell that she obviously wasn't, but he didn't know what else to say.

Leo shook her head and could hold back the flood gates for no longer as she burst out into uneven sobs. Practically choking on her own tears.

James immediately pulled her into the house and into his arms, leaving her trunk discarded on the porch.

"You're okay, Leo. You're home, you're okay, I'm with you." James murmured into her hair then turned back to the stairs without letting go of her- not that she'd allow him to stop holding her anyways. "SCORPIUS!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Scorpius said as he ran down the stairs, "What is- Leo?"

Scorpius quickly made his way over to his sister and she let go of James only when he was close enough to comfort her instead, so she would never be without a person holding her.

"Leo, what's wrong?" Scorpius asked softly. He ignored the fact James was there knowing he'd lie his way out of it later, "Did Rob come back?"

Leo only shook her head and sobbed harder into his shoulder, unable to form the words to describe what has happened.

"You need to talk to me." Scorpius demanded as kindly as he could, but she still could only cry.

"Leo, do you want me to give you guys a moment alone?" James asked quietly, once again Leo just shook her head.

"Scorp you gotta see this!" Andres announced as he entered the front room with his phone in his hand, "Ah shit Leo. I guess you already know then."

"Leo go back to James." Scorpius told Leo as he let go of her to see what Andres what talking about.

When Leo went to wrap her arms around James's torso, he instead moved them to his neck. Then he picked her up with one arm as she brought her legs up around him to have better stability and continued to sob into his shoulder. He grabbed her trunk and brought it into the house and shut the front door behind them.

"Come on let's go upstairs." James said to Andres and Scorpius as they continued to be enthralled in Andres phone.

James knew they'd follow him eventually so he headed upstairs and down the hall to one of their guest rooms.

He hasn't been in this room since New Year's Eve with Leo. And now here he was with her again, only under much different circumstances.

He sat her down on the bed and went to sit in front to her, "Talk to me Leo." He said to her softly as he brought his hand to her knee and began rubbing circles on it with his thumb.

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