"childless unmarried woman"

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one year later

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liked by everyone and everything

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liked by everyone and everything

biancaweasley high school sweethearts
tagged @/freddiekrueger


gallileo fred finally won the battle for ur love 😿
                  -> biancaweasley you should've fought harder for us 😾
                  -> freddiekrueger too late now we're locked in for life

marcopolo i think george should've proposed to me and stole the attention away from you like in those reddit posts
                  -> biancaweasley that requires george to propose
                  -> kinggeorge I WILL DO IT IN MY OWN TIME
                  -> gallileo YOUR TIME IS TOO LONG TICK TOCK

freddiekrueger brb saving all of my dirtiest jokes for you 💍
                  -> biancaweasley my lover foreva

kinggeorge COUSIN ‼️
                  -> biancaweasley was i supposed to read that like you're in the bear?
                  -> kinggeorge YES

poprox finally got a sibling i actually like 🫶🏼
                  -> freddiekrueger bitch
                  -> biancaweasley love uuuu 💋

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