"swan lake"

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Monday had Leo on edge.

With her therapy appointment looming over her head, she found herself fidgeting even more than usual.

When they were released from Defense, she went straight to the Room of Requirements to dance and shake out some of her nerves. Bianca came with her, mostly out of fear she'd try to skip her appointment.

"So what are we listening to?" Bianca asked as Leo connected to the speaker. "Taylor? Sabrina? Harry?"

"Tchaikovsky." Leo replied choosing a section from 'The Sleeping Beauty.'

"Ugh I hate classical music." Bianca said plopping down on a beanbag chair that the room created for her.

"You're the one who insisted on coming." Leo retorted as she began to stretch.

"Yeah for your sake. Plus we never hang out anymore."

"You're right. That's mostly on me I've been staying pretty busy lately."

"And hopefully that starts to change after today." Bianca replied positively.

"I don't think that's how this shit works." Leo replied with a laugh.

"Girl can dream." Bianca sighed, "If you're just stretching can't we put on better music?"

"No. I need to get into the ballet mindset."

"So stiff and pretentious?"

"Exactly." Leo agreed, "No different than you with opera."

Step 10 on Being a Pureblood:
Learn a traditional art form- and excel!

"Yeah opera music sucks too though." Bianca decided.

"No respect for the arts tsk tsk." Leo scolded.

"I like watching you dance! Just not to this shit."

"The amount of disrespect!" Leo replied appalled, "These are classics for a reason B!"

"Classically boring."

"Just put in your headphones then!" Leo demanded.

"Fine." Bianca agreed slipping them into her ears.

After she was stretched out, Leo got up to do some barre work as Bianca continued to just hang out.

Leo had just started on doing her pliés in fourth position when the door swung open.

"HA! Take that Filch!" Fred howled as he and James slammed the door behind them.

"Ahem." Bianca cleared her throat and Fred's eyes snapped towards her.

"Hey B... fancy seeing you here." Fred said awkwardly.

As Fred and Bianca began to bicker once more, Leo and James made eye contact through the mirror along the wall.

They gave each other a half smile as Bianca yelled at Fred, "Leo is trying to train so you guys can find your own hide out spot!"

"I don't care if they stay." Leo said as her voice cracked slightly not letting her eyes leave his. As awkward as she felt around James- especially a sober James- she wanted Bianca and Fred to talk out their issues.

"She doesn't care so let's chat B!" Fred insisted then quickly turned to James, "As long as James is okay with it?"

"It's whatever." James replied taking a seat on the bean bags and pulling out his phone.

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