"ruler of all the testosterone"

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"LEO YOU HAVE A LETTER FROM HOGWARTS!" Draco Malfoy yelled upstairs to his daughter.

"Are they kicking me out?" Leo asked dryly as she descended the stairs. It was the summer before her sixth year, so chances are: "It's probably just my supply list for next year."

"Maybe they've changed their minds and are making you a prefect this year!" Draco suggested as he handed her the letter.

"Doubtful." Leo replied as she began to carefully open her letter.

"I don't understand why you weren't! You do great in school, you're the pinnacle of responsibility-,"

"- not to mention my blood supremest grandfather and ex Death Eater father." Leo said as she began to read her letter.

"Yes but you are neither of those things. They have to be able to separate you from-,"

"-I'm the Slytherin Quidditch Captain." Leo cut him off as she began to reread the letter.

"You're what?" Draco asked while a smile broke out on his face.

"I'm the Slytherin Quidditch Captain." Leo laughed quietly, "I can't believe this. I-I going to be captain."

"Well deserved! You always wipe the floor with those Chasers. You're going to be a great captain."

"There hasn't been a girl captain in... I don't know how long. I thought it would be Marcus Flint. He's a seventh year, but then again he is a total jerk and has the intelligence of a Quaffle."

"His father always sucked too." Draco agreed, "But I am so proud of you kiddo! Go tell everyone."

"Okay, Scorp and Astoria are upstairs." Leo said tearing her eyes off the letter.

"Call your mum then too. She'd want to know."

"She still calls Quidditch 'Sky Football.'" Leo pointed out as she began to head upstairs.

"And I still call football 'Ground Quidditch'." Draco rebutted causing Leo to laugh as she headed upstairs.

Her stepmum, Astoria, was ecstatic for her, while her younger (half)-brother, Scorpius didn't care for Quidditch, but tried his best to congratulate her.

Then just came her mum.

Brnng brnng.

"Hello you've reached the phone of Cynthia Otto, this is Hillary Duffman speaking."

"Hi Hillary, it's Leo." Leo answered with a sigh. One day her mum would answer her own phone instead of her assistant, but alas it wasn't day.

"Hi Lea, how are you doing sweetheart?" Hillary replied as Leo could hear music in the background.

"I'm doing good. And it's Leo remember."

"Cynthia told me to call you Lea. Just in case word ever got out about you, it would be hard to market you with a masculine name. Unless you wanted to go for a lesbian fanbase. That could be arranged."

Step 1 of Being a Pureblood:
Keep the secret of your mum being a famous American muggle model who only cares about her own brand.
Pureblood must have (get this) pure blood.

"Okay Hillary can I just talk to my mum."

"Cynthia." Hillary corrected.

"Yes fine, can I talk to Cynthia?" Leo said as she began getting irritated. Hillary has been her mother's assistant forever, but she still always got on Leo's nerves.

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