"overstayed your welcome"

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James got up at 6am on his birthday and went downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast.

An owl sat waiting on the window sill, so James went over and took the package off of its leg. He didn't recognize the owl, but he fed it anyways.

His name was written on it in Leo's handwriting so he immediately tore it open. Once again he was instructed to open the gift first.

He was surprised to find charcoal and a sketchbook. The cover of the book featured an assortment of doodles, all absolutely terrible, including a 'reenactment' of when Leo beat him in Quidditch. She must've done it herself.

He ripped open the envelope next.


Your Transfiguration notes might help me pass the class. But seeing your little drawings all over the papers helps my mood. I always get a smile on my face whenever you hand me them and I get to see what was in your brain that day.

I know you pride yourself on being athletic, but you're a really good artist James. Really really good. I want to see what you can do when you're putting in your full effort, not just mindlessly doodling.

So happy, happy birthday James. I wish I could be there, but you'll have to make do without me.

~ Leo xoxo


James carefully folded the letter and placed it in his pocket as he opened the notebook and grabbed a piece of charcoal. He'd never used the medium before, but was more than willing to try for Leo.

He went to draw a snitch like he had so many times, but decided to actually try. The charcoal required a different technique from his typical pen drawings, but he was slowly learning what did and didn't work.

"Happy birthday James." Andres said entering the kitchen and grabbing a box of cereal. Hours had past but James stayed glued to his drawing.

"Thanks." James mumbled as he attempted to draw the wings.

"Whatcha doing there?" Andres asked as he came over to sit at the table next to James.

"Drawing." James answered.

"Since when do you draw?"

"I don't know." James replied.

"Huh." Andres said then peered over to look at the paper, "You're kinda good."

"Thanks." James said as he was getting annoyed by how bad the left wing looked.

"Who got you the stuff?"


"Hmm." Andres replied with a smirk.

"Shut up." James said without looking up.

"I didn't say anything." Andres responded.

"You were thinking it."

"Maybe you're just paranoid."

"Maybe you're just annoying."

"Deflecting." Andres said with a cough.

James's phone began vibrating on the table and they both glanced at it, but Andres quickly grabbed it before he could.

"Mí Hermosa? Really James? You're gonna deny being absolutely whipped when you have her name set as Mí Hermosa?"

"Shut up, Dre." James said reaching for the phone.

"Nuh uh, I gotta talk to her about how much of a simp my brother is." Andres said holding it out of his reach.

"No Andres, I need to take that facetime." James said forcefully as his face filled with worry.

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