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"Let's party!" Marco yelled as he entered the Malfoy Manor.

"You're here for dinner Marco." Draco said with a sigh.

"You don't want to party with me Draco? That's so rude."

"Please stop harassing my dad." Leo scolded as she came to the door.

"I'm not harassing him! That's homophobic."

"She wasn't trying to be homoph-," Draco quickly tried to defend his daughter when she cut him off.

"Dad that was a joke." Leo explained.


"All good Mr. Dilfoy." Marco reassured him with a wink.

"It's Malfoy-,"

"Another joke dad." Leo interjected.

"I don't get that one." Draco ran a hair through his hair frustrated.

"Dilf stands for dad I'd like to- ya know." Leo explained awkwardly.

"Oh. Oh! Well that is very nice of you Marco but I have a wife and you're underage."

"Oh my god, goodbye dad. We're going to my room."

"Leave the door open!" Draco called out as they dashed upstairs.

"Is Bee here yet?" Marco asked while they approached her room.

"Nah, when has she ever been on time for something?" Leo opened the door and they took their seats on the bed.

"Never." Marco sighed, "Is Airbag seriously not coming."

"Ares had to work or something."

"I prefer Airbag. Because he's got nothing but air in his head. What smart person would ditch their girlfriend's sixteenth birthday?"

"He's been stressed about work." Leo deflected.

"What does he even do?"

"Some dumb Ministry position. Like transportation or some shit."

"Doesn't seem important enough to miss your birthday."

"It's fine Marco, just drop it."

"All I ever want is for you to be happy Lele."

"I am very happy. I have you and Bianca and my family."

"If you insist." Marco said with a sigh.

"The party has arrived." Bianca dramatically
opened the door.

"Bebe!" Leo said as she got up to give her a hug.

"Lele! Happy birthday babes!"

"I almost said you too." Leo said with a laugh as they sat back down on the bed.

"How's it feels to be sixteen?" Marco asked.

"You say that as if you aren't both sixteen." Leo rolled her eyes.

"It isn't our fault that you're a baby." Bianca teased.

"Little Miss August birthday over here." Marco added to the teasing.

"Whatever. You'll all be jealous when you're 80 and I'm only 79." Leo grumbled annoyed.

"But you'll be jealous when we can get into the pubs this year and you still can't." Marco retorted.

"Stop being mean to me on my birthday." Leo whined.

Bianca gasped dramatically, "Do you want your gift?"

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