"so incompatible"

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"How was practice?" Bianca asked as Leo entered their dorm.

"So fucking good. Like I didn't realize how much of a detriment Flint and Pucey really were. Everyone is so much more determined and concentrated than before." Leo said putting her supplies away, she had stopped at the Prefects Bathroom on her way back to shower.

"It feels weird to see you happy after practice, but I like this new vibe."

"I'd like it a lot better with a full team. I'm really tempted to just stand up in the middle of breakfast and start begging the whole table."

"While that would be funny to see, it might make you look a little desperate."

"I am a lot desperate."

"Yes, but people are more attracted to exclusivity."

"I don't care what they're more attracted to, I need them nonetheless!"

"Okay fine don't listen to me."

"No I'm listening, just not following. I think what I'm going to do is just hold a straight up try out. People need structure. I've been saying to just come out to a practice and we'll see if you're a fit but I don't think people have the guts for that."

"That makes sense to me" Bianca agreed.

"Then I'll text the team to say we're holding a try out Tuesday instead of normal practice." Leo decided as she changed into different clothes.

"What are you doing now?" Bianca asked.

"I'm going to head over to Hogsmeade. I'm almost out of broom polish and licorice." Leo said as she grabbed one of her tote bags.

"Do you want me to ask Fred if him and I can meet later and I'll come with you?"

"Nah B, I already have my day planned out."

"Are you sure? Because you told me it was up to me to make time to hang out with you, so this is me trying to do that."

"And thank you for it. But a day to myself sounds nice. You always complain when we're at the Quidditch Store because you get bored, then you take absolutely forever at Honeydukes. And for the Three Broomsticks I have a book I've been wanting to read."

"Okay, then maybe we hang out tomorrow? Just us and Marco? And without doing schoolwork, I mean fun hang out."

"I'd love that B. Now I must go so I can be in and out of Hogwarts before Marco leaves for his double date because I don't want to see him looking at me with pity."

"Mmm, I can respect that. Well have fun."

"I shall." Leo said giving her a quick hug, "Also, I feel the need to say that I appreciate you not making any dumb comments about James going on a date."

"Merlin it has absolutely been killing me not to." Bianca said relieved.

"Oh I could tell. I heard you gasp whenever George said it in Potions." Leo replied with a laugh, "But I am good. And content. And living my best life without a boy."

"If that's enough for you it's a enough for me."

"Great, now I for real have to go. See you, love you, bye." Leo said as she grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

"See you, love you, bye." Bianca called out behind her.

As Leo walked through the corridors, she felt a peace come over her. The carriages ran every hour to Hogsmeade, so most people didn't go until later in the afternoon. Therefore, Leo had a carriage all to herself as 10am hit. Having 7am practices definitely had their perks sometimes.

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