"break out some pirouettes"

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"The Room will deal with all the decorations and such, but we need food and alcohol." Bianca said holding a list in her hands while sitting on her desk.

"I can get food from the house elfs." Leo suggested from her bed.

"I can make George help me get alc." Marco added while laying down next to Leo.

"Then I will handle guest list and getting someone to work security." Bianca decided.

"Bebe, this isn't a fancy Slytherin party. We don't need security." Marco insisted.

"We need a bouncer at least! We have to keep the fourth years out." Bianca rebutted.

"Dobby will do it." Leo suggested.

"Perfect! Leo you are pulling your weight wonderfully."

"Thanks." Leo replied rolling her eyes.

"Final order of business is dates." Bianca announced. "Marco are we getting the balls to ask the Weasleys or not?"

"I do not planning on getting the balls no." Marco replied as Leo snickered at the wording.

"Life would be so much easier if they would just ask us out." Bianca whined.

"You're seriously going to ditch me all night." Leo complained.

"We'll split our time." Marco said sympathetically. They knew better than to try and find Leo a date.

Leo sighed dramatically from the bed as Marco and Bianca continued with their planning.

It was currently the Monday night after their initial decision to throw a party, and the party was set for the upcoming Friday. The trio knew that alcohol was the only real thing they had to worry about when it came to a Room of Requirement party.

The next day was time for Herbology. Leo knew that Neville was changing her seat, but the whole thing terrified her.

Thankfully, Neville was smart enough to give everyone new seat- not just Leo and Chase.

"First two seats are Potter and Nott. Across from them is Malfoy and F. Weasley. Behind them will be R. Weasley and Lovegood. Across from them will be Zabini and G. Weasley...."

Neville continued through the seating chart as Leo took her seat next to Fred. "Hey." Leo said awkwardly.

"Hey." Fred said in return glancing over at Bianca across the aisle.

"Sorry about this."

"What?" Fred asked turning his attention back to her.

"I'm the reason we had to change seats."

"Girl you stop that." Fred demanded sternly.

"O-Okay?" Leo had expected him to crack a joke, not be serious.

"Brightside is maybe I'll actually pay attention in this class now." Fred said cheerfully.

"Is Bebe a distraction?" Leo asked knowingly.

"Hey now, cut that out!" Fred replied as he stole another glance at Bianca.

"You know she'd say yes if you asked her out." Leo said bluntly.

"I-I know. Kind of." Fred stammered, "But I want to make it special when I finally do."

"Well a little birdy told me that she wanted a date to the party."

"Who told you that?" Fred asked excitedly.

"She did." Leo replied obviously.

"Fuck." Fred said putting his head in his hands, "No I really gotta think this through."

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