"is leo going country?"

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"Your boyfriend sent you this." Scorpius threw a package at Leo who laid on the couch writing in her new Quidditch playbook that she bought with the gift card the Potters gave her.

"I told Marco and Bianca that he would send me something." Leo remarked happily as she opened up the package. The first thing she saw was his Quidditch playbook that she promptly sat to the side. The other thing was a heart necklace.

A silver heart necklace.

"Well that's nice." Scorpius said thoughtfully as he sat on the couch next to her.

"Scorp." Leo began, "Look at the jewelry I'm wearing."

Scorpius did a once over, "Yeah you're wearing jewelry."

"What is different between the jewelry I'm wearing and the necklace he got me?"

"Uhhh you're wearing gold?" Scorpius guessed.

"Yes. Why would he get me a silver necklace?" Leo said looking at it.

"Guys don't think about that kind of thing." Scorpius suggested trying to make her feel better.

"Marco got me gold hoops." Leo pointed out.

"Yeah but he's known you forever."

"But Ares is my boyfriend." Leo put her head in her hands frustrated.

Scorpius awkwardly patted her head. He didn't get the memo from Bianca and Marco that it was appropriate to shit talk Ares. He thought he was supposed to comfort her about him despite the fact that Scorpius hated him even more than her friends did.

"Also," Leo began grabbing his playbook, "I've read through this book before. It sucks. Our team sucks. I refuse to be a losing captain. Refuse. Especially if your boyfriend's asshole brother is a captain too."

"Andres is not my boyfriend." Scorpius said quickly.

"Yet." Leo pointed out then groaned, "The point is, I want to beat Gryffindor. Ravenclaw will probably take the house cup again, but I at least want to beat Gryffindor."

"You mean you want to beat James?" Scorpius asked knowingly.

"Him too. I'm a better keeper than he is chaser. Yet his team always fucking wins. Their passing and plays are unstoppable even for me. If you repeat that you'll be sleeping outside. They lost Wood as their seeker though, which could put us at an advantage."

"Except you always say that Flint is a terrible seeker."

"Oh he's the worst. He would be a much better chaser or beater. He's too bulky to be a seeker, it slows him down."

"Mhm. Are you feeling better now? Because I don't think I can take much more Quidditch talk."

"I was surprised you held out this long." Leo replied with a laugh.

"Did your mum ever schedule a time to see you?" Scorpius asked concerned.

"Yes and no. I got an email from Hillary asking me to confirm a time and day I could meet. So I'm going to hang out in her hotel for a little tomorrow."

"Why is she in the UK?" Scorpius asked.

"She's shooting for Vogue UK. Every year I think she's going to be done working and then she just keeps going. I don't know how she's stayed relevant like this. Models don't usually go past thirty."

"At least you'll get to see her." Scorpius said positively.

"Yeah I didn't think I'd get to." Leo agreed. "We'll probably just watch a movie or something and get room service. There's always an awkward disconnect if we try to talk."

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