"so fucking in sync"

511 23 126

tw// domestic violence / child abuse / minor gore

On Christmas Morning, James laid in his room sleeping. He was the first to wake up everyday of the year.... except for Christmas.

"JAMEY!" Lily yelled as she jumped on him.

James grunted and asked in a gravely voice, "What time is it?"

"5:30!" Lily said cheerfully, "What is the morning person not awake yet?"

"I'm awake just fine." James mumbled as he sat up, "But I was up late last night."

"Doing what?" Lily asked curiously.

"Overthinking everything I have ever done in my life." James answered honestly.

"Oh." Lily said getting up of his bed, "That's fun."

"Mhm." James hummed, "Go wake up Dre I'll meet you downstairs then."

"Okay!" Lily said enthusiastically as James pulled himself out of bed to go brush his teeth.

Before heading down to the rest of his family, James shot a text in his group chat just wishing them all a happy Christmas, then he decided to text Leo the same.

He hadn't expected her to answer this early in the morning.

mí hermosa :)

Happy Christmas ‼️

happy christmas ‼️

Now what are you doing awake so early??

couldn't sleep
been up all night 🫡

Well that's no bueno

did you open your gift yet?

Not yet, you?

not yet

Call me after you do

same to you
i probably won't until closer to ten my time

Narcissa likes to sleep in then?


Lily's yelling at me gtg

talk to you later <3

A HEART??? SHE SENT ME A HEART. James was about to reply with shaking hands when Lily yelled at him again. He quickly just liked her message and ran down the stairs.

"I'm here I'm here." James said entering the parlor.

"Took you long enough Jamey." Teddy said getting up to go say hi. While everyone in his family set up for the party, Teddy would always spend his Christmas mornings with the Potters.

"Forgive me for not being at everyone's beck and call." James replied sarcastically as he took a seat next to Andres on the floor.

"Feliz Navidad hijo." Isabel said kissing the top of his head as she walked by.

"Feliz Navidad mamá." James said in return.

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