"you know how Slytherins are"

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"You packed your broom right?" Harry asked James as they stood in front of Platform 9 3/4.

"No Dad I'm quitting Quidditch." James replied sarcastically.

"Okay you don't need to act smart." Harry replied in fake anger, "Now you need to take care of Lily. Even if she isn't a Gryffindor."

"Of course I'll take care of her dad. Don't worry." James reassured him.

"I can't believe it's going to be an empty house. What am I to do now? Get a job?" Harry responded in dramatic agony.

"Go back to being an Auror." James suggested knowing his father would never return. After his brief year of bringing in Death Eaters, Harry elected to put the defeating evil behind him.

"Wow. You're so funny." Harry said as he rolled his eyes, "Go through to the platform. You're the one kid I can't wait to get rid of."

"Feeling is mutual dad." James replied going through the platform knowing that neither of them meant it.

Before he got on the train, James had a similar conversation with his mamá. He wasn't sure why everyone was so worried about Lily, she could definitely handle herself.

James walked towards the back to his favorite compartment. It's was one of four that had seats in a u- shape rather than just two across from each other. He swung the door open knowing he wouldn't be the first to arrive. "James!" George shouted getting up from his seat and giving him a hug.

"Where's Fred and Roxanne?" James asked looking around the empty compartment.

"Apparently Uncle G exploded their bathroom." George said as they took their typical seats.

"Not shocking." James replied having experienced Fred and George Senior's antics.

"Never a dull moment."

"You act like your house is any better."

"Oh it's way better!"

"It really isn't Georgie. There's a reason you all always come over to my place."

"That's because your mum is the best cook."

"Okay that is true, you got me there." James conceded due to the fact that he could barely finish his food anytime he went over to either of the Weasley households. They were spoiled by Molly for too long and never bothered learning themselves.

"We've arrived." Roxanne said with her hands in the air as she entered the compartment. "And we brought a guest."

Roxanne stepped aside to reveal Fred and... Marco Nott. "'Ello."

"Hey." James gave a quick wave to the Slytherin as he saw George perk up out of the corner of his eye. Simp.

"Hey Marco." George said with a smile.

"Hi George." Marco took the seat next to him on the back bench as Roxanne and Fred sat across from James.

"Did you fix the bathroom?" James inquired with a raised eyebrow.

Fred started to laugh as Roxanne groaned, "Don't remind me."

"It was awesome!" Fred said excitedly. "All ash and rumble. Mum about had a cow trying to fix it up."

"The pipes burst as well." Roxanne said with a shiver.

"So all the ashes got super soggy!" Fred exclaimed.

Fred was interrupted by the door opening and Bianca Zabini standing in the doorway. Fred immediately shifted from excitement to being chill. My goddamn friends need to keep it in their pants.

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