"don't get expelled"

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"You cannot convince me they aren't dating."

"I know. I just don't get it, like friends don't do this shit."

"Could they really be that stupid?"

"Maybe we just got all the brains of the family."

"What about Lily?"

"I stand by what I said."

James peeled open his eyes to glare at Scorpius and Andres who were watching them amused.

"I hate you." James mouthed.

"We gotta go home for dinner James." Andres said with a laugh, "Mamá made tamales."

"What time is it?" James asked quietly trying not to wake up Leo. He had genuinely no idea how she was still asleep through their brothers' loud talking.

"Six. We let you sleep as long as we could." Scorpius answered.

"He let you sleep as long as he could." Andres corrected, "I wanted to blare music in your ear."

"Glad you didn't." James responded genuinely. He carefully shook Leo's shoulder to wake her up. "I gotta leave."

"Mm." Leo groaned as she rolled to her other side and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Scorpius and Andres both snickered as James shot another glare in their direction. Leo appeared to always be loopy in the mornings.

He picked her up and rolled her over his stomach to switch sides with her. The movement woke Leo up a little more. "What are you doing?" She grumbled without opening her eyes.

"Leaving." James answered as he removed her arms from his neck.

Leo let him move her arms, but she instead moved her hands to rest on his jaw as she opened her eyes. "Why?"

"Because it's dinner time at the Potters." James said taking her hands and giving them both a kiss, "I'll call you later."

"Mmkay." Leo mumbled as James got up off the couch.

"Come on." James said ushering Andres and Scorpius out of the room.

"You made it official then?" Andres asked once they were in the hallway.

"No." James replied annoyed.

"What the fuck are you waiting for? Because that shit is very couple-y!"

"Don't want to talk about this in front of Scorpius, Dre." James scolded.

"Oh please, Scorp saw you two about to kiss in Leo's room this morning."

"Whatever happened to not being interested in my love life?" James said ignoring the comment about that morning. But in actuality it relieved James that he wasn't the only one who thought Leo was about to kiss him. He had feared he only imagined it.

"I've convinced him that we'd fly under the radar more if you two were together." Scorpius explained.

"Yeah and I get the feeling you'll report back anything I say ya prick, so I will be refraining from speaking anymore on the subject."

"I'd never report back to Leo. I mean, I don't go telling you everything that Leo says about ya."

"Does she say a lot of things about me?" James asked curiously.

"Dunno." Scorpius shrugged with a smirk, "If she did you'd never be told."

"I don't like you." James said through narrowed eyes.

"That's no way to speak to your future brother-in-law!" Scorpius teased as the entered the parlor.

James turned to them before entering the fireplace, "You guys need to stop worrying about me and Leo. Anything that is going to happen will happen when it's time for it to happen."

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