"it's pronounced sirius"

562 18 154

tw// domestic violence

After her date, Leo gave her friends the whole recap- well not the whole recap. Leo decided to leave out some parts because she figured her friends would be over dramatic. They were too overprotective and nothing bad even happened. It was a good date. A solid date.

Leo texted with Chase constantly over the weekend. He hadn't said anything else weird or suggestive. It must've been a fluke. But they didn't see each other in person until Herbology on Tuesday.

"Hey!" Chase said as he took his seat next to hers.

"Hi." Leo replied with a smile.

"I was thinking we could go on a walk this evening?" Chase suggested.

"I have practice this evening." Leo replied apologetically.

"Come on." Chase pouted, "You're the captain!"

"Which is exactly why I need to set a good example." Leo insisted. "I can't go canceling practices because of a boy."

"I'm not just a boy."

"You aren't?" Leo flirted in response.

"Nooo." Chase replied, "I'm the boy."


"So cheeky." Chase responded with a wink.

Neville please start class please start class I'm cringing. "Just speaking the truth." Leo replied brightly.

James's eyes kept drifting to Leo and Chase.  He has followed both Adeline's and Leo's own instructions. Adeline who told him to wait until after the date, and Leo who told him to stay away from her until Astronomy. He was planning on just apologizing because he hated her being mad at him, but now he was starting to actually feel bad about the situation as a whole.

Leo looked happy with Chase, and maybe he's better with her than he's been with other girls in the past. Who was James to try and stand in the way?  People can change and grow.

"Do you want to do something this weekend?"

James heard the voice and turned and realized Lorelei was talking to him. "What was that?"

"Do you want to hang out this weekend?" Lorelei repeated.

"Oh. Sorry I'm busy." James replied as he pulled out his notebook since Neville was getting ready to start class.

"You're always busy silly." Lorelei said as she seductively touched his arm.

James pulled his arm back with a tight smile, "Captain of the Quidditch team plus NEWTS makes it a little hard to be free."

"But you could still make time for me." Lorelei insisted as she gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Alright class! Today we'll be discussing the Whomping Willow!" Neville said excitedly from the front.

James had never felt so grateful to hear the sound of Neville's voice. He managed to survive the rest of the class, despite leaning away from Lorelei in his chair so much he nearly fell off of it.

"I gotta run!" James said as soon as Neville dismissed them.

"But Jamesie-," Lorelei called out but was interrupted by a frantic James.

"-Can't be late!" James said as he sprinted out of the classroom and ran straight into the back of Leo in the corridor. "Shit I'm so sorry." James said grabbing on to her waist so she wouldn't fall.

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