"it was all fake"

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Despite the party, James still naturally woke up at 5:30 a.m. His body's internal clock would always be the death of him.

James glanced over to the bed next to him and saw Leo still sprawled out asleep. The night before he thought he'd forget that she was even there in the morning, but he hadn't. How could he? Not when she looked so beautiful laying there.

Leo Malfoy, the girl he spent years bickering with, was fast asleep right next to him.... well in Fred's bed. But she was wearing his clothes, and for fuck's sake they looked good on her.

As quietly as possible as to not wake her up, James slipped on his gym clothes and got ready for the day. He grabbed a piece of paper and a red pen then scribbled 'Went for a run' on it before leaving the room.

As he ran around the castle grounds, he couldn't stop his thoughts from drifting back to Leo. It crept up on him, but he couldn't deny it any longer.

James was fucking crazy about Leo Malfoy.

Every smile, every touch, every eye roll, every joke had him absolutely in her grasp.

Normally, James was the type of person to go after what he wanted, but he knew it was too soon for Leo. He needed to give her more time to heal before he could ask her out. But he felt like he had a chance with her; she seemed to reciprocate every single one of his actions.

So he was going to make a move, just as soon as he felt she was ready.


When Leo woke up in the morning shortly after James, she was immediately discombobulated by not being in her own room. But like a tidal wave, all of her memories of the night before came flooding back.

She quickly looked towards James's bed to see it empty with a note laying on it. She pulled herself out of bed and went over to read it.

Leo thought about sticking around to talk to him
when he got back, but she knew Bianca and Marco would be wanting a debrief as soon as they recovered from their hangovers. She'd much rather have a tea and a moment to herself before being both harassed by their questions and also most likely being given a graphic recollection of their nights.

Leo grabbed a green pen off of James's desk and wrote on the back of his note, 'went back to my dorm, thanks for letting me crash :).'

Now came the decision between going back to her dorm in her party clothes or in James's pajamas. Either way it would be obvious that she didn't spend the night in her own room, so she might as well keep his comfortable clothes on instead of squeezing back into her skimpy clothes.

The Kitchens were out of the way to her room, but she'd much rather go there than walk into the Great Hall in her current condition.

With a tea in one hand, and her last nights clothes in the other, Leo entered the portrait to the Slytherin Common Room. She went to send Bianca a text asking if it was safe to re-enter her room as she took a seat on the couches.

"Leo?" Scorpius asked coming down the stairs.

"Yeah." Leo replied trying to act casual as she tucked her phone away before texting Bianca.

"You didn't come back here last night." Scorpius said frustrated, "I was waiting for you because I wanted to talk to you and instead I got to see Marco and Bianca stumbling in with the Weasleys!"

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Leo asked trying to take the spotlight off of her.

"Not here." Scorpius replied looking around at the few people scattered about.

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