"going to murder"

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// a bit more pg-13 in sexual content for this book than the last (always r for language obvi) but i'll never write smut i refuse it's awkward

Leo left her dad and tried to make her way back to James so they could discuss what had just happened. Tried is the key word there.

"LELE!" Bianca yelled slamming into her. "I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"

"I'VE MISSED YOU TOO!" Leo replied hugging her tightly.

"I feel like we've barely even texted."

"I've been busy trying not to get expelled." Leo said pulling back.

"What?" Bianca exclaimed.

"Yeah I used underage magic in a muggle area." Leo said flashing a rocker hand sign.

"You dumbass!" Bianca said hitting her arm.

"It's all good now. I'm not expelled." Leo reassured her.

"Good because I would perish without you." Bianca said dramatically.

"You'd still have me." Fred suggested with a raised hand.

"I didn't even see you there." Leo said turning to him.

"Right not like I'm six foot three or anything." Fred said bitterly.

"He's only six foot one and he knows it." Bianca told Leo as Fred gasped insulted.

"Leooooo!" Marco said running over and picking her up.

"Marky mark!" Leo responded with a laugh, "Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year to you too babes!" Marco beamed at her, "Merlin I've missed you."

"Missed you too baby girl." Leo winked.

"Hey Leo." George waved from next to him.

"Hi George."

"Where's James at?" He asked.

"He was outside last I checked. I was just with my dad."

"I see him." Fred said excitedly as he pointed over the other party goers.

"I think he mouthed meet him in his room." George said squinting.

"Okay swell." Fred said grabbing Bianca's hand, "Let's go."

Bianca in turn grabbed Leo and pulled her behind them as the five went up the stairs to where James was supposedly meeting them.

When they entered his room, Leo could smell pine once more. She didn't know if it was his cologne or if he spent a lot of time in trees. With James it could be either.

Leo looked around and saw on his desk the sketchbook she got him, open with half a drawing of a hippogriff. But stuck to his wall were the letters she sent him for Christmas and his birthday. And the note she left back the first time she stayed in his room.

"Happy New Years Bitches!" James announced entering his bedroom with a bottle of firewhiskey in the air.

"Not it!" Bianca, Marco, and Leo said at the same time.

"Not it what?" James asked.

"Who stays sober enough to talk to the adults." Bianca explained.

"Not it!" Fred and George both said immediately.

"Seriously? I got this for nothing then." James said throwing it to George and sitting on the ground to pout.

Leo desperately wanted to chug half the bottle to calm her nerves. However, if James wasn't drinking then she couldn't either.

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