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three months later

"James I told you I wouldn't ignore your existence this time, and I have been doing my best to fulfill that promise, but for fuck's sake you need to shut up." Leo scolded James as they sat facing each other on his bed.

"Heaven forbid I want to talk to you!" James complained.

"You're sabotaging me."

"What if you're doing reverse psychology and now you're sabotaging me!" James retorted.

"How would I be sabotaging you?"

"By being mean to me and causing me distress!"

"Oh that's stupid James and you know it." Leo said flicking his forehead.

"I'll forgive you for sabotaging me if you give me a kiss." James suggested.

"I'm not sabotaging you." Leo said shaking her head.

"Okay then I'll shut up if you give me a kiss?"

"You're not going to give this up are you?" Leo said with a sigh.


"Fine come here." Leo gave in easily. She, too, could use a little break from quidditch match prep. The big Slytherin v. Gryffindor game was next week, and the respective captains had been grinding nonstop.

James didn't hesitate in knocking their notebooks aside and pushing Leo down onto his bed.

"Ayo get a room!" George scolded entering their shared room.

"I'm in my room." James replied waving him off as he leaned down to kiss Leo anyways.

"I'm not making out with you in front of George." Leo said as she put a hand on his chest.

"He makes out with Marco in front of us." James complained kissing her cheek and sitting up. He knew she wouldn't budge on the subject.

"And do we hate it?"


"Thanks for saving my eyes Lele." George replied while sticking his tongue out at James.

"Dick." James said as he threw his pen at George.

"Do you plan on using a one-two formation or a two-one?" Leo asked James casually.

"Now why would I tell you that?"

"Because you love me?"

"Not as much as I love winning." James replied obviously as he grabbed a new pen from his bag.

"Then it's too bad you're gonna lose Saturday."

"Mmmm no I don't think that sounds right- I mean we're returning House Champs."

"But I do recall you losing to me last year despite my second strings being in?"

"I let you win."

"Your pride would never let you do that." Leo scoffed in disbelief.

"Guys do a lot of things for pussy."

"Fuck off you asshole." Leo said as she sat up straight and attempted to stab him with her pen, "You didn't even get pussy after that."

Laughing, James easily caught her wrist and disarmed her from the pen, "I'm just kidding hermosa. I would never only do nice things for sex and you damn well know that."

"Keep it that way." Leo said giving him a quick peck as she went back to sitting comfortably. James handed her back the pen when he could tell he was safe.

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