"new girl for the playboy"

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"James!" Harry beckoned him over as soon as the pair walked downstairs.

"Be right back." James said to Leo before heading over to where his father was as she went to find their friends.

"It's almost midnight, you ready to set off the fireworks?" Harry asked.

"Yeah they're all in prepped, I just have to light them." James reassured him.

"Great." Harry nodded, "Be alone when you do it, I don't want Leo diverting your attention and have you direct them into the crowd."

"Why do you think Leo would mess me up?" James said tilting his head.

Harry raised an eyebrow and pointed at his exposed neck, "Forgot to heal those, mate."

James nodded cursing Leo for letting him leave the room like this and knowing he can't get out of it, "How do you know that was her though?"

"James." Harry said pointedly, "I can be dense at times but I'm not blind."

"Yes you are. We have the same prescription and I'm pretty damn blind."

"James. Who else could it have been?"

"Your mom." James said out of reflex.

"...My mom is dead. And is your grandmother. You are a terrible liar."

"What's that?" James said pointing over Harry's shoulder.

Harry just gawked at him, "Merlin child I don't see what the big deal is. Just be smart and use protection spells."

"You are the fourth to last person I want to talk to about this." James said covering his ears.

"Whose worse than me?" Harry asked insulted.

"Leo's parents and Scorpius."

"Fair. Draco is going to be tough on you, that's for sure. But Scorpius will just make fun of you, and Astoria will be nice about it."

"Well I'm still procrastinating that conversation."

"I would too. I was lucky with your mamá. Neither of us had parents or siblings."

"Yeah come on padre, you and mamá should've died so I wouldn't have to deal with this."

"I mean I did die."

"Yeah but you pussied out and came back. You didn't fully commit to the bit."

"Next time I won't return to defeat Voldemort." Harry said with a thumbs up.

"That's all I ask." James said in fake seriousness.

"Go out get in position." Harry said gesturing outside, "I'm going to announce for everyone to head outside."

"Sí Señor." James said with a salute. "Send Leo over to me after the fireworks are over please."

"Yeah if I see her." Harry waved him off.

"Porfa?" James asked as he got further away.

"Fine I will." Harry agreed with a sigh.

As James got ready with the fireworks, Leo had found the rest of her friends in the kitchen.

"Where'd you run off to?" Marco asked with a teasing in his voice.

"Making out with James." Leo deadpanned.

"Ha. Ha. Don't get my hopes up." Marco replied annoyed as Leo took a seat next to him on the counter.

"Where is James anyways?" Fred asked, he too sat on the counter with Bianca standing in between his legs.

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