"are you jealous"

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The next morning, Leo sat in the Muggle Studies classroom alone. She was one of two Slytherins taking the class, the other being Andrew Pucey who she refused to sit with. She took the back left corner where there was one empty seat next to her until James stumbled in a minute before the bell.

When he noticed the only empty seat was next to her, he threw his head back in annoyance, "Professor is there really no other seats?"

"Oh I mean, if anyone is willing to trade that's quite alright." Professor Mackeroll said sweetly. The name Potter gets you just about anything you want.

James looked around but it was no use. No one wanted to sit next to the Slytherin girl. Not in a muggle studies class that is.

James threw his stuff down and slumped in his seat, while Leo carefully pulled out her notebook and pen.

"Not using a quill?" James asked watching her.

"Not real efficient now are they?" Leo replied looking forward as the Professor started class.

"Purebloods don't typically relish in muggle goods."

"I don't believe in that stuff." Leo responded as she began to take notes.

"You don't believe in muggles?" James questioned.

"The Pureblood stuff. How can I be considered pure of dirty blood if I'm also the product of hundreds of years of incest. And you can't convince me that none of my ancestors had an affair."

Step 5 of Being a Pureblood:
Don't lie about your heritage - just fudge the truth a little

"Is that why you're taking muggle studies then. To learn about your unlikely heritage?" James inquired while leaning towards her desk.

"I've been taking muggle studies since the third year Potter I don't know why you're so interested now."

"Because I typically sit up front and flirt with Professor Mackeroll. Not in the back with Miss Incesty Pureblood."

Leo finally snapped and turned to face James, "You are impossible."

"Miss Malfoy! No talking during my class. 5 points from Slytherin." Professor Mackeroll scolded from the front of the classroom.

Andrew shot Leo an annoyed look as she just turned back to the chalkboard with a stoic expression. 

"What Malfoy? Are you jealous that I flirt with Mackeroll?" James teased. Leo didn't care who he flirted with, but she did hate being called a pureblood. Sure it meant all her acting was worth it, but it also felt so accusatory- even though she wasn't one.

Leo just ignored him as she continued taking notes.

"Ooo the silent treatment. Whatever did I do to deserve this? Surely I couldn't have been right? Do you want me to start flirting with you Malfoy? Because I'd be more than willing to-,"

Leo cutting him off by hitting him in the back of the head without tearing her eyes off the board, but James' yelping caused Mackeroll to turn and see him rubbing the back of his head as Leo's arm was in the middle of returning to her paper to take notes.

"MISS MALFOY! We do not tolerate violence in this classroom! Saturday detention with Filch! Be there at 9 and leave when he permits it."

"But-," Leo starts before being quickly interrupted.

"No buts. There is never a reason to resort to hitting a peer. I also expect you to draft a handwritten apology to Mr. Potter. Now Mr. Potter are you alright?"

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