"taylor swift on the highest volume"

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On game days, Bianca and Marco would stay out of Leo's way. She gets tense, irritable, and downright mean and they prefer to not be scared for their lives.

The only exception being when Bianca braids Leo's hair into two dutch braids. She started doing it right in the morning after a disastrous third year, just so she would be able to stay away for the rest of the day.

But on the surface, Leo appeared completely calm. She can't be seen without her headphones on. She often just stares into space or closes her eyes in concentration.

Time always goes by slowly for Leo on these days as the anticipation of playing builds in her rapidly.

She was never the type to have a million superstitions or traditions when it came to Quidditch. However, she seemingly always ended up doing the same thing.

Around two hours before every match, she'd go to the Room of Requirements. Not because she thinks she'll play terrible if she doesn't, but because she is always on edge and needs to calm down before it's time.

She knew she shouldn't dance and waste her energy. However, she'd still go down to stretch and meditate.

The first ballet she was in was Swan Lake at 9 years old, so she'd sit down and put on Tchaikovsky to calm her nerves.

Then, she'd get to the locker room thirty minutes before the match. Normally she'd hang out in a corner and hype herself up, but this year she was captain. She had more duties. She had to lead the warmups and stretches.

Then five minutes before the match started she decided to get her Captain's remarks out of the way, "ALRIGHT TEAM LISTEN UP. I am not an inspirational speech kind of person. I'm not going to stand here and tell you how amazing you are or how I believe in you. All I'm going to say is that we practiced for this. Don't let all that hard work we put in be for nothing. Follow the plays, keep an eye on the score. And let's fucking win this!"

The team broke out into cheers as one of the guys began blaring rap music to get themselves hyped up. But Leo never took off her headphones.

Since it came out second year, she always played the same song right before it was time to head out. Leo couldn't ever tell the boys that she would have Taylor Swift on the highest volume, they already criticize whatever she does, but she needed 'I Did Something Bad' to hype herself up.

'Oh, you say I did something bad
Then why's it feel so good, good?
So bad, why's it feel so good?
Why's it feel, why's it feel so good? (Bad)
It just felt so good, good'

As the music came to an end, she knew it was time. She whispered to herself, "Let's go bitch."

She led the team out of the locker room and onto the pitch.

"Introducing the Slytherin Quidditch Team!"

Leo looked up at the announcement tower and saw Marco and Bianca in the booth. They hadn't told her they were chosen, but she suppose it made sense. Being Slytherins but dating Gryffindors would ideally make them unbiased.... Ideally.

"Captains!" Madam Hooch called as Leo and James went to meet her in the middle.

While Leo listened to Madam Hooch's remarks, she couldn't help but to look at James. He fit being a Captain so well. Plus he was all around just fit. His eyes snapped to hers but she didn't look away, instead just narrowed her eyes.

"Shake hands." Madam Hooch said as her spiel came to an end.

Leo gave James a firm handshake as he leaned into to whisper in her ear, "Hope you're prepared for your first loss as Captain, Malfoy."

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