"it's everyday bro"

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"Hey." James said as he sat next to Leo for their Muggle Studies class.

"Hi." Leo replied. Since their discussion in the Room of Requirements, Leo and James had began speaking more in their classes. It was mostly just pleasantries or about the class content, but it was much better than the silence of before.

"You going to Fred's party tomorrow?" It was Fred's big seventeenth birthday and was surely to be the rager of the year.

"Yeah probably." Leo replied knowing there was no way Bianca would let her miss it.

"Okay... I feel the need to let you know that I'm going with someone." James replied hesitantly.

"Oh... that's nice. Hope you two have a good time." Leo said trying to sound neutral despite how it immediately made her want to curl up in a ball and cry.

"I'm trying to move on like you told me to Leo." James replied defensively.

"Yeah I know. I'm glad you are. I mean I'm probably going to avoid you all night if you don't mind, but yeah. I'm happy for you really."

"I'd avoid you too if you were bringing a dude... you're not are you?"

"No definitely not." Leo said shaking her head. "I'm not emotionally stable enough for any relationship. Maybe a hookup but probably not even that. I wasn't about to break up with you just to go for a different person."

"Got you." James said feeling a bit relieved he wouldn't have to see her with someone.

"Yeah. No need to worry."

"I shan't then... And I'll try to stay out of your way tomorrow. So you won't have to see us."

"That would be nice thank you."

"Anytime." James nodded letting the conversation end.

"Alright class today we're discussing photographs that do not move!"


"Fred and I are on a temporary truce in honor of his birthday." Bianca explained as they got ready for his party in their room.

"It's been weeks B, how are you guys not fixed yet?" Leo replied from her spot on the floor doing her makeup.

"Well first off, angry sex is top tier. But also he refuses to admit he ever did anything wrong and that pisses me off."

"Has he really done anything wrong though?" Marco asking jokingly, "I mean we all think Leo is a bit crazy."

Leo waved her wand and sent a pillow flying at Marco, "I'm not crazy! Just fucked up. There's a difference."

"Yeah yeah, but you still let him get away! Don't tell George I said this but James is fineeee."

"Don't tell Fred but for real he is so hot." Bianca chimed in.

"Wow guys thanks for reminding me how attractive my ex boyfriend is. Definitely makes me feel so good and makes me excited to see him with a different girl tonight."

"Wait different girl?" Bianca asked.

"Yup. He warned me yesterday that he's bringing someone to the party." Leo replied calmly while she applied her eyeliner.

"Why didn't you tell us, we could've found you someone too!" Bianca insisted.

"I didn't tell you because you would've found me someone! I'm not looking for boys at all. And before you ask, I have my first appointment with some new therapist on Wednesday."

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